
Everyday Maths Around the House


How can you engage in conversations about mathematics and numeracy in everyday activities? Make everyday activities an opportunity for learning about Maths. It is easier for children to understand maths when they relate it to something real and see it as part of “everyday life”. 

Everyday maths around the house:

Creating a Growth Mindset

Maths as a subject can bring about an array of feelings in all of us. As parents/carers your opinion and feelings towards Maths can shape how your child views Maths and their capabilities. Students with a fixed mindset are those who are more likely to give up easily, whereas students with a growth mindset are those who keep going even when work is hard, and who are persistent. As a school, we have been focusing on creating a growth mindset in Maths. In order for this to be effective, it is important that both teachers and parents/carers are using the same language to provide a consistent approach to Maths. The following information can assist you in providing your child with practical examples that can help them connect to real-world examples; therefore assisting to make learning deeper and richer, as well as some positive language to assist with promoting a growth mindset.