Hi there!

News from our School Community

Missing bumping into fellow students in the playground or on the way to school?

Hi there! is a Errol Street News page devoted to sharing images and tales of life in your home classroom with your fellow students who are also working from home. 


Next newsletter you might see someone you know!


What to do

Find an image that is based on the fortnightly theme. Make sure that it is a PDF image.

Ask your parent or guardian to email it with a note of permission saying that you can have your image published in the Errol Street News. 

Email to phelan.robyn.r@edumail.vic.gov.au  by Monday 11 May. 

First Theme for Wednesday 13 May 

Hi There Students and Furry Friends 

Do you have a pet that works with you or interrupts your class working time? Your furry friend might be a favoutire toy that keeps you company. 

Capture these shenanigans. This could be a drawing, photography,  a poem, or a short story.



From Robyn 

This is Kimba (the white lion) she helps (and hinders) me to write the school newsletter.