Year 9


Focus Day

The Year 9 Focus Day held at Cobram Secondary College on Monday 12th August 2019 moved through many different stations that focused on issues surrounding harm minimisation.  Students participated in small group learning activities in the morning focusing on Basic First Aid, Nutrition and Mental Health.


In the afternoon the students worked with their own teachers participating in a range of sporting activities.


Cobram Secondary College would like to thank all of the External Services and Community Groups who were involved including Headspace, Cobram Community Health Centre, Moira Shire, Victoria Police and Primary Care Connect in the delivery of these important programs.


A huge thank you to all students who actively engaged in the Program. The guest speakers and teachers were very pleased with all of your efforts.

My Passport Program

During the Year 9 Students Focus Day students also engaged in the program ‘MY PASSPORT’ which is run by Moira Shire Council. ‘MY PASSPORT’ is an alcohol and other drug harm minimisation program that is offered to Year 9 students at all Secondary Schools in Moira Shire.  The stations covered Risk Audit, The Effects of Alcohol, Standard Drinks, Party First Aid, Other Drugs and Responsible Gambling.

Dare to Dream

On Thursday the 29th of August a group of Year Eight and Nine students set off for the Dare to Dream excursion in Shepparton. The day was focused on developing an entrepreneurial spirit, students were split into groups and each group tasked with reinventing a product. Renaming, creating an advert, marketing scheme and social media campaign. All of this had to be sold to the judges in a one-minute pitch. Students throughout the day challenged themselves and were forced out of their comfort zones but continually showed fantastic attitudes and determination.


The winner of the day was the Spear personalised football company, consisting of students from Cobram Secondary College, Wanganui Secondary College and Rochester Secondary College. The team presented a fantastic innovative product and well-created advertisement. Overall, the day was fast-paced and our year eight and nine students demonstrated wonderful behaviour and effort.