Principal's Report

The school of choice for the Cobram Community
Every child matters,
Every staff member cares,
Every opportunity taken.
Mobile Phone Policy
The college is about to implement a new Mobile Phone Policy starting Term 4. Previously mobiles were permitted at school and used in class at the discretion of the teacher. This is NOT working. As a result, we have amended our policy and mobile phones are NOT TO BE USED OR ACCESSED WHILST ON SCHOOL GROUNDS AND DURING SCHOOL ACTIVITIES. This applies to all school-based activities including excursions and camps unless otherwise specified by the teacher in charge.
The major reason for the change is that learning is being significantly affected by the sheer number of distractions within the classroom. Even when a student does not access their phone, the buzz or vibration of a notification still distracts students’ attention from learning. By removing this distraction, we aim to improve student learning, concentration, and student results.
Secondly, we have major concerns about student resilience, health and wellbeing. Students are becoming more reliant upon and in many cases, addicted to their mobile phones. Researchers are discovering that the use of phones to constantly seek parental reassurance and to connect ongoingly with peers via social media, can be addictive and reduces young people’s resilience, promoting anxiety and a reduced capacity to cope with uncertainty.
Some students are using their phones inappropriately to message, photograph, video or use social media to purposefully harass staff and students. As a College, we do not condone this behaviour, and all staff and students have the right to feel safe and comfortable whilst at the College.
Lastly, we have noticed a significant decrease in students’ social skills. The ability to communicate face to face in a social context is diminishing. In addition, smartphones, gaming over Wi-Fi and social media platforms have combined to alter the way young people spend their time. These technology-based pursuits have taken them away from non-screen activities that are associated with greater wellbeing. Research has found that adolescents who spent more time on non-screen activities such as face-to-face social interactions and exercise were likely to be happier.
From Term 4, 2019 students will not be permitted to access or use their phones whilst on school grounds and during school hours. This includes students waiting for buses at the end of the day. We would suggest that students leave their phones at home. Should they need their phone for after school, or for travel to and from school, then they are to hand it into the office for secure storage. Students may access their phones once they have left the school grounds or they are safely on their school bus. If staff see mobile phones then they will be confiscated and will need to be collected at the end of the day. A student who continues to breach this policy will need their parent or guardian to collect their phone on subsequent occasions.
We understand that these changes may affect how you and your family are currently communicating, but a small adjustment of directing contact through our General Office means less disruption for all. Students will be able to focus on learning during class and receive messages from the office at appropriate times. In a genuine emergency this also allows the College to provide extended support to students and families and to build a stronger school community. We trust that you will support us in the implementation of this new policy.
Subject selection process
Thank you to the parents and carers that attended subject selection interviews with their child. The role of parents and carers in helping students to select subjects and engage in the discussions around future aspirations is invaluable.
We are working through subject clashes and are in the process of talking to affected students between now and the end of the term. We are hoping to have the timetable for 2020 finalised mid-Term 4.
Building update
You may remember in Term Two we received word that Cobram Secondary College was earmarked for $3.3milion to upgrade the facilities containing asbestos. The building identified was the administration building. Our staff felt that it was more important to have modern teaching and learning spaces and we’ve subsequently approached the consultants working with the department to adjust our project accordingly. I’ll keep you posted.
Every student matters – Speed Careering
I was thrilled to see every student participate in the Speed Careering. It was a day for students of all year levels talk to people working in a variety of occupations. So often students are overwhelmed with the choices in front of them and the perennial question of “What will you do when you finish school?” The Speed Careering was a day designed to see what’s possible after school. A huge thank you to the volunteers who gave their time and to Maria Hart and Kristen Elliot for organising the event.
Victorian Schools Music Festival
I was privileged to accompany Mr McLaren and the Senior Concert Band to compete at the Victorian Schools Music Festival. It was with incredible pride that I viewed their superb performance at the Hawthorn Performing Arts Centre. Their musicianship, professionalism and teamwork was recognised with the awarding of a silver medal. Congratulations to all staff and students involved in the event.
Friday Walks
Friday lunchtime river walk with Mr Brooks and Principal Ms Tempest. Beautiful day for a walk in the sunshine.