
Wellbeing Literacy Leader - Emily Murcott


Over the holidays I was finding it rather hard to get my day started. I was on holiday and I could have a sleep in. Lucky for me my children are old enough to organise themselves for the morning. I relished this for the first few days. 

I didn't have anything pressing that needed to be done. Mundane house chores can always wait until the next day! I then began a pattern which was hard to break. I'd get up and take my time to have breakfast. I walked the dog, read a little, hung out with the kids, and possibly shopped for food. I found the days creeping by and I had nothing to show for it. 

Although it sounds lovely I was realised that I was struggling with the lack of meaning and purpose in my day. By day 3 I divided to make some plans; I needed to create a list of things to complete so I felt like I had accomplished something. So I did!

I bounced out of bed the following day ready to clean my daughter's bedroom walls in preparation to paint them. Two days later, they were clean and looked amazing with a fresh coat of paint.   I then went on to clean out my cupboards, I made Christmas cards and birthday cards, and I designed some t-shirts for my daughter.  By the start of the second week my list was nearly all marked off and I felt amazing! I have accomplished so much.

If you're feeling a little lost, I'd recommend finding something that will give you purpose. Write and list and feel satisfied when you cross one of your tasks off the list.  You can be proud of yourself as you see your accomplishments.

If you're willing to share the accomplishments you made over the next two weeks, please send them in. Be proud.  


Student Work from Term 3 and 4

I was overwhelmed by the Gratitude flowers which were completed and shared at the end of Term 3. Thank you to those who brought them in so we could add them to our Gratitude Garden. If you still have yours at home, please bring it to school when you start back over the next few weeks. I'd love to continue to fill the wall at the front office so that visitors and families can see how grateful you are and what you are grateful for. If you haven't created a gratitude flower yet, you still can!


We have had some fabulous Rube Goldberg machines created. Check out the video of some of the machines made at the A School Program. Well done everyone who gave it a try. If you did not 100% succeed that is ok, experts don't either straight away!

Mindful colouring
Mindful colouring
Mindful colouring
Mindful colouring

Cast your mind back to the final week of term 3. Many people were needing a change of routine and some were finding it a challenge to begin the day. It may have felt like Ground Hog Day. Well, I received a gorgeous story of a kind-hearted grade 1 girl named Charlie. This was the email:

Yesterday morning when I dropped my daughter off at school,  there was a lovely young girl, I think grade 1, and her name is Charlie. She was randomly handing out a flower to some of the school mums. It was an absolutely beautiful thing to do. I thanked her and her mum. It was what I needed yesterday morning.

Thank you Charlie