Performing Arts

29 October


5/6 Production News

We are planning to have all the students in grades 5/6 perform the production 'Oh What a Knight' in the theatre and the parents to come watch. This includes speaking roles as well as class dances. Most students in the class dance, are participating with enthusiasm and are looking great. 


I'm sorry that grades Prep to Grade Four won't be able to perform due to density limits inside, however I plan to do a Carols Concert outside at the end of the year for the whole school. The younger grades will also have the opportunity in following years to perform. The 5/6 Production will be on Monday November 22 and Tuesday 23 November, time to be advised. The parents attending as audience members, will be split over two nights to comply with density limits. More information to follow. Sorry for the short notice.


Costumes - All students in the grade song and dance need to wear a black shirt and black trousers or black leggings. The speaking role students can either wear what they have or what I will be hiring for them.


Dear Parents,


If anyone has any of the following items lying around their home that they would be willing to lend to the school for our School production - can you please email Gavin Andrew at 


2 x Wooden Barrels

Large Magnifying Glass

4 x Feathers or Quills 

Fake egg

Feather Duster

English Knight Type Swords

Large Hession Bag

Small Hession Bags or Flour Bags


I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Gavin and Tamara for their help.


Prep and Grade 1/2


It has been great to see all the students for lessons this week. I am yet to teach the 3/4s. I had the opportunity of participating in an online seminar with Dr Michael Carr-Gregg. He spoke about helping children adjust back from being in lockdown. He mentioned how important The Arts is for children's mental well-being. I used his advice and during performing arts, the students used their creativity to play an instrument that sounded like something they knew. There were some great sounding chickens, horses trotting, thunder, lightening, hail, rice being poured into a pot and the sounds of the Australian backyard at night (crickets)! They then performed their sounds in groups to each other. Well done everyone!


Any questions or queries, please don't hesitate to ring the office.


Thank you.


Mrs Jenes