Blended Learning 

Grade 3/4

You are resilient, you are enthusiastic, you are marvellous, you are adaptable, you are respectful, you are kind, you are awesome, you are brilliant, you are legendary and you are efficacious (successful in producing a desired or intended result).



Thank you for all you as parents and students have done during this time of Remote learning. We hope that one day the positives of this time will be what we remember from this time. One thing I will take is the way that the students have been remarkable.


We loved seeing the grade 3/4's back in the classroom this week. The happy laughter that was coming from the classrooms and the joy in the faces as the students saw their friends in the classroom was contagious. They were able to enjoy talking to each other as they worked, laugh together and share their individual lock down stories. The students have all grown in height and resilience.


 We are super excited to be back full time from Wednesday next week. The students have adapted to wearing masks and hand sanitizing in the classrooms. Please support your child by providing them with a face mask that they can know is theirs.


As the teachers will no longer enter your homes through our Google Meets, please know that we are not far away. You can email or ring the school and we will get back in contact with you as soon as we can.