Community Noticeboard
Connecting People with Nature
Hobsons Bay Wetlands Centre Inc is a community group that aims to establish a purpose-built centre at the heart of the wetlands by 2025 that will provide opportunities for: ▸ Recreation for health and wellbeing
▸ Education and learning in a natural environment
▸ Conservation and research programs to care for nature
▸ Connection with others at an inspiring meeting place.
Our community group formed in 2018 and is driven by the knowledge that spending time in nature is vital for health and happiness and also promotes environmentally responsible behaviour. Promoting regular physical exercise has become a public health priority worldwide, and as the population of Melbourne’s west increases, there is a compelling reason for encouraging well-managed access to natural settings such as the vast wetlands in the area. We are supported by a number of strategic partners and key organisations who, like us, understand the important role played by wetlands. Join us in creating a valuable community asset where individuals, children and families can enjoy and protect a significant wetlands area.
Like and follow: Hobsons Bay Wetlands Centre
Sign up to receive their quarterly Newsletter
Emmanuel College
As we approach the end of what has certainly been another challenging school term, we all remain hopeful that there is some restriction easing that occurs in coming weeks to allow us all to do the things we love with the people we love. It’s a great time to keep our positivity high and celebrate the great things, a perfect example of this was the Year 7 camps that occurred earlier in the year. As a reminder of the great times we all have had, please use the link below to view a video of the camp. We are very much looking forward to doing some more of these sorts of adventures when we open up again.
NDC - You Tube
Applications for Year 7, 2023 closed on Friday 20 August, 2021. Please contact the school if you need to make a submission - College Registrar via enrolments or by calling on 8325 5119 as a matter of urgency.
The College was both sad and proud last week to farewell the Class of 2021. The endurance and perseverance of these students has been remarkable and we know that our future is in good hands with these young people. In their last two years, they have coped with a lockdown in each term of their entire VCE. Just finishing is a testament to their tenacity and GRIT. We applaud them and congratulate them and wish them good luck for their upcoming exams.
As we are fare welling one cohort, we are preparing to welcome another. This week we have conducted the Year 7, 2022 Virtual Information Night. This was an opportunity for students and parents to hear more about what starting secondary school will be like and how the College will work with them for a smooth transition.
Our next events are the Twilight Talk and Tour events in mid-November, event and registration details can be found under the Tours & Events tab on the right hand side of the homepage of the College website.
Our latest editions of EC News are out, please use the links below to enjoy a snapshot of life at the College during Term 3 this year.
St Paul's Campus Link
Aspergers Victoria
Aspergers Victoria is a small, not-for-profit organisation supporting Victorians who have Aspergers, autism, or other similar neurodiverse profiles. We run online and in-person support groups, programs, and events for our community to help them feel connected, supported, and empowered to live the life they want for themselves.
Laverton Football Club
Outside of School Hours (OSH) care (before and after school care) is provided by OSHClub, on site at Queen of Peace Primary School. Children must be pre-registered on line to attend. More information can be found by clicking this link OSHClub. Many families are eligible for Child Care Subsidy (CCS), which reduces the out of pocket cost of outside school hours care. To establish what level of CCS you may be entitled to please contact the Centrelink Family Assistance Office on 13 61 50.
OSH at QoP Program 0421 287 254
OSH Head Office 8564 9000
Cancellations: 48 hours' notice is required for cancellation of a Before or After School booking. Cancellations can only be made through the following means:
- Online - Log into your account at
- Phone - Contact the customer service and billing team on 1300 395 735
- Text - SMS the Coordinator of the program on 0421 287 254 and include all details: child's name, date and session you wish to cancel.