Middle Years News


The boys from Room 18 have been so excited to return to face-to-face learning! We have enjoyed lots of group work and activities, including hands-on maths activities, cooking in the kitchen, and P.E! It is so great to see our students again, having fun with their friends and learning lots!

Middle Years Sub School News

It has been fantastic being back at school and being at the middle point of term 4 students are starting to get excited about the end of year. Classes have been busy getting ready for their end of year concert, year 6 graduations and celebrations. 


This term in science students have been learning about solids, liquids and gases by completing a range of fun and exciting experiments. Students have looked at water and how it can be a liquid and a solid – ice. Lava lamps, rain clouds and fireworks in a jar has been highly engaging for students and staff! 


The focus has continued to be on wellbeing and social interactions. Classrooms have been getting out to play games in the playground and arranging times for friends to spend time together. It’s always lovely to walk past the table outside the therapy office to see students having morning tea or lunch in the sunshine. 


In the kitchen garden students have been looking at how corn can be ground to make flour, the cobs can be eaten and the kernels can be popped for popcorn. In the kitchen students have been making pizzas and herb bread which has smelt delicious as I walk past the kitchen. The garden has been looking great and the beds are getting ready for the summer crops.