Excellence in Teaching and Learning 

Stephanie Di Salvo
Stephanie Di Salvo

Stephanie Di Salvo 

Assistant Principal

Dear parents, carers and friends of the school community,


2022 Priority Goals and Annual Implementation Plan (AIP)

Some of our students have thrived in the remote learning environment, others have maintained their learning progress, and some need extra learning and wellbeing support despite the best efforts of their teachers and families. 


In 2022 we will continue to focus on student learning – with an increased focus on numeracy – and wellbeing through the 2022 Priorities Goal, a learning Key Improvement Strategy and a wellbeing Key Improvement Strategy. Implementing a more simplified and streamlined approach will ensure more strategic and targeted measures are in place to improve every student’s learning and wellbeing outcomes.


The School Priority Goals are:


1) Learning – Support both those who need scaffolding and those who have thrived to continue to extend their learning, especially in numeracy


2) Wellbeing – Effectively mobilise available resources to support students' wellbeing and mental health, especially the most vulnerable



Further information regarding the 2022 AIP will be presented to the school community by Term 1, 2022. 



Student Profiles

In the upcoming weeks, the Student Voice, Agency and Leadership School Improvement Team (SIT) members will be presenting a series of Professional Practice sessions to classroom teachers and therapy staff; aimed at unpacking the revised JSA Student Profiles document. 

The Student Profiles document, typically completed by classroom teachers in Term 4 each year, documents specific learning and wellbeing support needs that will be used in preparation for and during Transition Week in Term 4 and Term 1. The Student Profile supports  classroom teachers to plan for targeted reasonable adjustments aligned to core components of regulation; such as communication, emotion regulation and self-awareness. When such core components of regulation are addressed, teachers are inherently planning and implementing strategies that enables the learning environment and teaching and learning work program to be conducive to the student's individual learning needs and styles. 


The Student Profiles will also be discussed during SSGs this term, to ensure Parents/Carers are provided with the opportunity to contribute to the document, to ensure important information pertaining to their child's learning support needs and future goals are discussed and addressed in a timely manner. 


A special thanks to Miranda Ingram (Teaching and Learning Coach) who has developed the revised document in consultation with Therapy and SVAL SIT members, in order to enhance partnerships between teachers, students and parents/carers. Her work in this area, as been positively received and appreciated by members of staff throughout.