Years F/1

Welcome to the F/1 class page for 2022. 


It has been a great start to the new school year and all students have settled in beautifully. Foundation students will have Wednesdays off for the month of February as they become quite tired early on, as they adjust to the school routine. 


In English this week, the students have been learning to retell events from stories through using finger puppets of the characters and sharing their stories to other students. The Foundation students have begun learning their very first sounds of the alphabet - s, t, a. They have been practising writing these sounds on whiteboards and completing activities around these sounds. Year One's students have revising 'th, sh, ch, ck, wh' sounds with word reading and spelling. 


In Mathematics, we have been practising counting, ordering, making and writing numbers. The Year One 's have been terrific at helping the Foundation students with card games using numbers. 


The students have had their first Art lesson on Monday with Mrs Brabham and Science on Tuesday with Miss Thompson. They have enjoyed singing and playing with instruments with Mrs Garland and are having their first visit for the year with the MARC van today with Mr McLachlan. It has definitely been a busy week.