Principal's Notes

Dear Parents and Families, 


Welcome back to school for 2022 . We were hoping for a more typical school year after the last two years but Covid has continued to interrupt again. As expected, we will have positive cases in our school and be affected by close contacts from family members. We are following all the Department of Education guidelines to make our school as safe as possible for all students and staff.  Please contact the school if you have questions or concerns. 


On Monday morning, we held our first assembly for the year and our school captains, Lexi and Talia did a magnificent effort in leading this.  This year we welcome all our families back to school and especially our new families - Northam, Peters, Longcor, Behncke and Hill. It is very exciting on the first day with new students, uniforms, roles, teachers and classes. We will be announcing our class Junior School Council representatives, Bus Captains and Library Monitors next Monday.   


Staff Announcements

At the assembly, I also announced that Frau Barber has resigned from teaching here at Cavendish as at the end of January. For this term only, we have Mrs Megan Garland filling in on a Thursday morning and we will begin advertising for a new Music and Language teacher to commence in Term 2. We thank Frau Barber for her amazing contribution to our school community over many years and we wish her all the very best. Please look at the Farwell page in the newsletter about Frau Barber that Miss Purnell has written. 


School Maintenance

Over the holidays, the exterior of the school has been washed down, carpets steam cleaned, windows cleaned and the grounds maintained. The Year 2021 Year Six board will be attached soon. Thank you to Simon Thomas for volunteering to do this too. Also, during the holidays , we received three air purifiers for the classrooms. They will be on each day to help clean the air. We have also had fly screens installed on windows in the classrooms to assist with fresh air and ventilation.  


COVIDSafe Update

Our deliveries of the Rapid Antigen Tests were handed out on Monday to all students. The instructions are in the box and please test your child/children twice a week (e.g. Tuesday and Thursday) or if they display any symptoms. Only inform the school if there is a positive result. The links to report a positive result are with the letter that you were emailed at the start of this week. Families will be advised by email immediately if we receive any student positive results.


Please continue to QR code and wear a face mask if you enter the school buildings. It is also a requirement by the Department of Education, that all visitors are double vaccinated unless in special circumstances to enter the school buildings. We will not be holding an Information Night this year as part of staying Covid safe and reducing large groups of people in enclosed space. Each class teacher will be sending home an information handout with specific class information and expectations. Please contact the teacher directly by either email or on the school phone 5574 2282 if you wish discuss anything further or have questions. 


Parent/Teacher Interviews

We will be holding parent/teacher interviews on Wednesday 23rd March.  More information will be sent out closer to the date.



Our visit from the MARC van and teachers will continue this year on a Friday. This years MARC teachers are Mr Ashley McLachlan and Mrs Bree Porter. The school receives three Friday visits from the van each month. 


New Newsletter

As you will have noticed, we have decided to get with the times and do an electronic version of the school newsletter.  We hope you like it.


Have a lovely weekend, 


Lisa Ferrier