From the Principal
Welcome to the 2022 school year. We hope you all had a nice relaxing break. The year hasn’t started off quite as we hoped, with some changes to the start of school being implemented, along with some challenges. We are aware of some difficulties some families had accessing online learning and hope you are all connected now. Thank you for your patience while we worked through the emails to support students to be connected. Staff are available at school to assist should you need any further support.
We welcome returning and new families to Para Vista and look forward to supporting your children in being the best learners they can be. We have new staff starting with us at Para Vista, and welcome Beth Dorsman as Deputy Principal for Terms 1 & 2 and congratulate Lisa McMahon who has won a three-year position as Leader of Intervention and Inclusion at Para Vista. I will continue as Principal for Terms 1 & 2.
The teaching team for 2022 will be:
V1- Niki Burton Term 1 (Term 2 onwards TBC)
V3 - Olivia Radic (Mon-Thur) and Jessica Nunnari (Fri)
P6 - Lauren Burton
P9 - Liz Sayas (Mon-Wed) and Angela Corby (Thurs and Fri)
P10 - Beth Freeman Term 1 (Term 2 onwards TBC)
*Please note correction to parent letter that went out on Edmodo - It is Beth Freeman teaching P10 for Term 1 not Beth Dorsman
V24 - Jamie Torbet
V21- Caitlyn Hall (Term 1) / Josie Poulton (Term 2 onwards)
V20 - Jessie Legrand (Mon-Wed) and Sarah Delroy (Thurs and Fri)
V16 - Josh Murray (Mon-Thurs) and Luke Dunstan (Fri)
V12 - Maxine Moran
PE - Ben Noske
Health (Reception - Year 2) - Ben Noske (Term 1) / Paul Bairstow (Terms 2-4)
Music - Lee Adams
Italian - Stefania Chiro (Year 5/6 classes) / Jessica Nunnari (Early Years and Year 3/4 classes)
STEM - Luke Dunstan (Years 1-6) and Ann-Marie Tillet (Receptions)
Preschool - Ann-Marie Tillet and Ilona Atterton (Preschool open Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays).
We are hoping that by now all families have connected with Edmodo. If you have any difficulty with this app or need a secondary email attached, please email
All students have now been connected to their 2022 class on the online Verso program. If you have difficulty with accessing online learning please see instructions below or email
*It has been brought to our attention that the class codes of three classes were posted to Facebook which, as a public page, was not the safest way to communicate these codes or information related to passwords. This information has since been removed from the post. It is a timely reminder to us all about internet safety and ensuring safe practices are implemented when using apps and online programs.
For further information on e-safety please go to
Online learning will be occurring for Years 2-6 until February 14th. If your family does not have access to a device for home learning to occur please let us know via the above email or by phoning the school on 8264 9588 so alternative arrangements can be made. Options may include borrowing a school laptop or picking up a hard copy pack.
If you do pick up a hard copy pack we require a daily message in the morning to inform us that your child is working on the pack for the day. This is to help us track attendance during home learning. The communication of this can be either Edmodo, email or phone, however needs to be before 9:30am.
Return to school plan (published by Department for Education)
As publicised by the Department for Education, there is a Covid Plan in place for students returning to school for 2022. Reception students and Year 1's returned Wednesday 2nd February for face to face teaching, and other year levels have started online learning. If you are requiring your child/ren in Years 2-6 to attend school for supervised online learning, please let us know by contacting the school on 8264 9588 or emailing
Please ensure you are up to date with the classroom contact arrangements outlined in the parent letter distributed on the 25th of January and attached below.
Information regarding the new contact tracing and close contact arrangements in our school and preschool from 31 January 2022
Hello from Beth Dorsman
Hello all families of Para Vista Primary School
I am very excited about working as a part of your school community this year. I have moved to Para Vista from Salisbury North Primary School where I was one of the Assistant Principals, and before that a classroom teacher, working with Year 4 and Year 5 students. While I am passionate about all aspects of teaching, my particular interests lie in using data and assessments to better inform and direct student learning, to ensure that all students are working at their highest potential, while being provided with the individual support, challenge and stretch they need. I also particularly enjoy English and all the rich learning which is a part of this curriculum area.
I look forward to meeting with you as I get to know the Para Vista community; please say hello if you see me out and about in the yard.