3/4 News

News from the 3/4 area


This week we have been thinking about what brings us joy and setting up the classroom for this year to come. We made our new tub labels and book box labels with an explosion of colour. They look extravagant! We have been getting to know each other in the best way possible by talking to each other and becoming friends. It has been really good and I think the year ahead is going to be amazing! By Taylah 3/4P

 We talked about what Joy means. We decided that joy is BIGGER than happiness. “Joy fills you up like a balloon” (Csilla)

“Joy is a wave of positive emotions” (Poppy and Abi)

“Joy feels like an electric explosion of happiness” (Rafi and Liam)

“Joy is a big bag of excitement and happiness mixed into one (Abby)  

“In our class we decided to use the Joy theme for our prayer tables because it was looking a little blank when we first came in, We loved seeing the small candles that we can turn on with a button, but we also have a big candle that we can light with a match (with teacher supervision). We cut up some material and decorated it for our class to show colours that represent joy to us. We’ve also had time to write our own prayers for the classroom which we are going to publish this week too”. Ariana - 3/4RS