
0ne-two-rful 1/2s

Term 1 Week 4 2022 - Friday 25th February



What have we been up to? 

Time flies when you’re having fun! The past few weeks have been busy for all our 1/2 students, as we began our reading, writing, numeracy, science and inquiry units for the year. It has been great to see all the students back in the classroom, working hard and in synergy with each other. 


Over the past fortnight, students have been busy exercising their learning brains. In reading, students have been working on making personal, text, and worldly connections to the books they are reading. They have also been working on recount writing, working on recounts of their weekend and start to the year. They are beginning to explore how the 4W’s (who, what, where and why), and 5 senses (sight, touch, taste, hearing and smell) enhance their recount of events. In maths, students have been exploring numbers up to 100 and 1000. Students were challenged to model, order and represent numbers through a variety of activities. Arguably, the most interesting part of our fortnight was the start to our science and inquiry units where students built a mealworm enclosure. They have been tracking their observations in their science journal whilst making sure the mealworms are well fed with food scraps. The students are eager to see what will happen in the coming fortnight!


It was also great to meet many of you at parent teacher night, and the 1/2 teaching team are looking forward to the rest of the term ahead! 


Here are some photo highlights from the fortnight that was! 









What is coming up?


Over the next fortnight the 1/2 students will look at descriptive texts. They will identify the features and language in texts. They will look at the structure of, and practice ordering descriptive texts to support their understanding.



Over the coming fortnight the students will finish learning about recount texts. They will plan and write their own recount, using a recount planner and by applying their knowledge of the 4Ws (who, where, when, why) and structure. They will also begin exploring descriptive texts by breaking down the text and identifying its features. 



The next fortnight sees students continuing their number and algebra exploration, focusing on modelling, ordering, and representing numbers up to 1000. Students will also begin to look at addition and the strategies they can use to solve addition problems. 


Inquiry & Science

This fortnight the students will begin their Inquiry unit ‘My Learning Brain.’ They will look at the different emotions they can feel and what effects them, and look at distinguishing the difference between right and wrong. Science will see the students begin a biological science unit ‘Watch it Grow.’ Throughout the unit students will explore the growth of a range of living things and explore the processes of growth and change, of reproduction and death that apply to all animals. Through hands-on activities and investigations, students compare the growth of living things under different conditions.


Important reminders:

  • Please don’t forget to bring in your hats and water bottles as we have had and will be having more hot days. 


  • If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child's classroom teacher through Compass or via the school email and it will be passed on to them.


  • Specialist Days 

 Monday - Health, Art/Cultural Studies & Music  

Wednesday - PE & Art/Cultural Studies