Fabulous Foundation
Fabulous Foundation
Term 1 Week 4 2021 - Friday 25th February 2022
It was lovely to talk with most of you at the ‘meet the teacher zooms’ last Monday. It provided us a great opportunity to get to know more about your child and how we can best support them with their transition to school.
What we are learning: Week 5 & 6
We will introduce another reading strategy of ‘Lips the fish’. This is when we get our lips ready for the first sound in the word. We will regularly introduce readying strategies to support the students when learning to read.
On Mondays we will continue with our weekend recount writing and drawing about something we did over the weekend. We will continue to encourage and support students as they attempt to write a word to match their drawing. Over the term students will begin to write more than one word or a complete sentence! We will also continue with our labelling of a picture and as well as focussing on full stops at the end of a sentence.
Our SMART spelling program has started and we are introducing a new word each week. We concentrate on the sounds of each letter and explore other words with the same sounds. By asking your child what the word of the week is and the sounds of the letters, it will provide a great opportunity for conversation about their learning at school.
In addition to concentrating on numbers 1-5, we will begin to introduce the importance of zero and explore one more one less of a number. We will also start to introduce length by ordering things from shortest to tallest.
We have started our unit on families. We have explored what makes a family, different types of families, as well as what makes our families special. We have even created our own family trees adding in our family members that we live with!
Leader in Me
We are thoroughly enjoying hearing the preps begin to use the language of the 7 habits. We are regularly having discussions about making proactive choices about our learning in the classroom as well as the choices we make when outside playing. The preps are embracing the 7 habits and we’re very proud of them!
Important reminders
* Foundation PE Lessons are every Thursday so please wear your runners to school that day!
* Please can you continue to pack a fruit snack and a recess snack even if your child has a lunch order as these aren’t delivered to the school until 1pm
*It has been wonderful to see so many preps wearing their hats. Please be sure to put on sunscreen each morning before arriving at school.
* Please endeavour to test sight words nightly and return them to school weekly on FRIDAYS.
*Daily we have a fruit break, we ask kindly that you please pack your child a piece of fruit or a vegetable to snack on during this time.
Foundation Photos
Both Prep classes enjoyed forming their numbers using playdough in Maths and our ANT hunt around the school was a big success!