Office Processes

Please make sure you are on time and in uniform each day. If for any reason you are late arriving to school, please provide a note outlining your reason for your absence.
Contact details
Accidents happen! Would we be able to reach you if your child was involved? It’s imperative that you advise the College of any changes to your contact details.
Collecting your child
If you need to pick up your child, please provide a note or call the office ahead of time.
Face masks
Please see the following information regarding wearing of Face Masks at Cranbourne Secondary College (unless a lawful exception applies):
- Students must wear a face mask indoors
- School staff are required to always wear masks indoors when not actively teaching or communicating with students
- Everyone over 8 years old must wear a face mask when travelling to and from school on public transport, taxis or ride share vehicles
- Visitors to schools aged 8 and above must wear a face mask in all indoor spaces, unless a lawful exception applies.
Hand sanitisers
Students are required to use hand sanitiser when they enter and leave the front office.
Lost property
If you have lost an item of clothing, please see Mrs Arnott in First Aid.
Food packs
The College have food parcels and other items available to support families. Please contact the College on 5996 3544 if you would like to access one of these parcels.
First Aid
If your child feels sick or is generally unwell, please do not send your child to school until they are well enough to return. Please remember to provide a medical certificate for their absence.
COVID-19 symptoms
In the interest of protecting the school community, if your child is unwell, please keep them at home.
Asthma Action Plan
If your child is an asthmatic, please provide our College with a new or updated Asthma Action Plan. Please see Mrs Arnott in First Aid.