Kisses Production News

Despite our best intentions and all of our hard work – the Production Team have made the final decision to cancel our College production of ‘Kisses’.
After the repeated interruptions to our rehearsal schedule in 2021 which resulted in us postponing our show until March this year, we have simply had too many of the lead cast members unable to continue with their roles making it impossible to produce the show to the high standard and vision that we have for the time we have remaining.
Our plan is to run a Talent Show event at the end of Term 1 that any and all students who audition for can be a part of. This is an excellent opportunity for anyone to be on stage and display their skills and talent to the wider College community. The Performing Arts Team will be running a meeting about this event in the first few weeks of Term 1 so stay tuned!
Please, if any of you have any questions about the decision to cancel ‘Kisses’ or regarding the Talent Show, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Again thank you for all of your hard work in 2021 on ‘Kisses’. I know it would have been successful and we would have had a blast. Thank you to all the staff and members of our community who were assisting us with the staging of our show, specifically Mr Fowler, Ms Fortnam, Ms Robinson and Debbie Jenkins. Huge thanks to our Performing Arts Captains and senior students who were always eager and available to run rehearsals and communicate with students. I am sorry that we have been forced to make this decision.
Ms McGloin