Lockers and Timetables

Locks and Lockers
At Cranbourne Secondary College, we use combination locks to keep our items and valuables secure. You will need to memorise your combination.
If you forget, please ask your Pastoral Care Teacher.
This locker will be yours for the year.
Ready to Learn
It is an expectation at Cranbourne Secondary College that you are ready to learn for each of your classes.
We wear the correct school uniform
We bring the required equipment For EACH class you need to bring your netbook (charged), pencil case, exercise book and diary. We arrive on time You should be lining up outside of your classroom BEFORE the second bell rings.
Subject Codes
The codes listed below will help you navigate your subjects. For example 8ENGA would be Year 8 English. The A stands for the class that you are in. Depending on the number of Year 8 English classes, you could be in 8A, 8B etc.
- ENG – English
- MAT –Maths
- SCI –Science
- HUM –Humanities
- NMC –Numeracy (7/8)
- LIT –Literacy
- HPE – Health and Physical Education
- IT – Info Tech
- LFS –Life Skills
- FA – Form Assembly
- VCD – Visual Communications/Design
- GER –German
At the beginning of each semester, you will receive a new timetable. This will also be accessible on your Compass.
Your timetable is fortnightly. This means that you alternate between Week 1 and 2 over a term. It is expected that you attend your timetabled class on time and stay in your timetabled classroom space for the duration of the period.
How to read your Timetables
At the beginning of each semester, you will receive a new timetable. This will also be accessible on your Compass. Your timetable is fortnightly. This means that you alternate between Week 1 and 2 over a term. It is expected that you attend your timetabled class on time and stay in your timetabled classroom space for the duration of the period.
Follow your timetable downwards for a day’s lessons.
ICT (Information and Communication Technology)
We charge our digital devices
- Your netbook must be charged before the beginning of your school day (a minimum of 75% charge)
- Your netbook charge will be checked in Form Assembly each morning.
We see IT technicians at designated times
- These times are before school, recess, lunchtime and after school
Any issues need to be taken to the IT in a timely manner