Principal's Report

Dear Parents, Carers, Families and Students,
Welcome to the new school year!
It is wonderful to be back on site with our students in classrooms engaged in learning. It also fantastic to see students socialising and being active during break times and reconnecting with peers and staff.
I would like to extend a special welcome to our new students and families of Year 7.
Beginning secondary college is a special and exciting time for young people. I am looking forward to getting to know our Year 7 students and being a part of their journey through the College. It was great to see so many parents at our annual welcome breakfast. Thanks to those parents and carers that were able to attend.
Our school leaders have enjoyed greeting our students at the school gates each morning. This has also enabled us to recognise students arriving on time and in full school uniform and to welcome them into the College. This routine will be continuing in the foreseeable future as it also enables our staff to begin the process of providing learning and resource supports to help students meet the expectations of the College.
Parents and students are reminded of the following year level entrance points at the beginning of the day:
- Year 7 and 8 – Junior school gate on Stawell Street near the corner of Russell Street
- Year 9 and 10 – Middle school gate on Stawell Street near the corner of Brunt Street
- Year 11 and 12 – Brunt Street entrance near the Community Theatre
I am also pleased with the launch of our empowering learners program as a reintroduction to onsite schooling. A key part of this program is to work with students to help them understand College expectations for learning and behaviour, while also supporting students to understand the voice and agency they have in their learning.
Student feedback on the program has been gathered and will be used to help the College to improve implementation into the future.
COVID safe practices
Thank you to all members of the school community who have taken the appropriate steps to protect yourselves and others against COVID-19. The initial batch RA tests has been distributed with the second round of tests being provided to students before the end of week 3. Thanks also to students and families for keeping the College informed of absences and staying at home when unwell – this relatively simple step is the safest approach for all.
Over the summer break the College received a large quantity of air purification devices that are now operating successfully in classes. It is also pleasing that students continue to follow instructions regarding suitable face coverings.
Uniform and Learning resources
Any families experiencing difficulties in making sure students have all of the required equipment and uniform for school are encouraged to get in touch with the school. By doing so we can work together to develop a plan to ensure students are equipped for success during their time at the College. The College works closely with State Schools Relief to support students and families, more information can be found on pages 13 and 14 of the newsletter.
Bell time and buses
Families are reminded that the start time of classes is 8.43 with dismissal at 3pm. These changes to our times enable any students catching a school bus – departing from Brunt Street – to access these services.
Thanks again for your support and I look forward to working with you in 2022.
David Caughey
College Principal
Our school leaders greeting our students at the school gates