Assistant Principals' Report

Leadership Team (pictured left to right): Gina Carroll, Belinda McGee, Glenn Morris, Elisha Sadikay and Gary Rule

At Doncaster Secondary College, we understand the importance of preparing our students through the development of their Personal and Social Capabilities. These skills are essential in enabling students to understand themselves and others, and manage their relationships, lives, work and learning more effectively. The capability involves students learning to recognise and regulate emotions, develop empathy for others and understand relationships, establish and build a framework for positive relationships, work effectively in teams and develop leadership skills, and handle challenging situations constructively.


In addition to the explicit teaching of Personal and Social Capabilities in classes such as DiSCovery, our school program consciously cultivates opportunities for students to engage with building empathy and an appreciation for diversity in its calendar of events. 


Friday 3 December 2021 was International Day of People With Disability (IDPwD). This year’s theme was, ‘Leadership and participation of persons with disabilities toward an inclusive, accessible and sustainable post-COVID-19 world’. The opportunity to reflect on this theme comes at an important time, as we continue to improve and expand the support available to students with disability. This is critical work that is a focus for all in education and across our community. 


To promote awareness on this day, students were given the opportunity to participate in a series of activities designed to support them to build empathy for people with disability and resilience in the face of unique challenges. This event was organised by our Wellbeing Placement Students as part of their final project in the Student Wellbeing Team, and capably lead by our Health and PE Learning Area Leader, Eugene Pring. 

Modified ball (with bell) to play Dodgeball



Mr Pring explaining one-legged badmington
Mr Pring explaining one-legged badmington


In addition, the Doncaster Secondary College Rainbow Collective is an LGBTIQA+ allyship group that has been meeting weekly during on-site learning to foster belonging and allyship for our students. Initiated in 2020, the group has thrived this year and has worked together to create the following purpose statement: 


“Doncaster Secondary College’s Rainbow Collective will provide a safe space in which we can meet new people, explore different points-of-view, and celebrate LGBTQIA+ pride and culture. 


It is the belief of the Rainbow Collective that schools are a safe space only when every student is assured access to education without fear of harassment or violence. 


This group will strive to create allyship with students, teachers and external support that increases awareness, decreases prejudice, and creates a safe school atmosphere for all.” 


The group has also been exploring the importance of normalising introductions using pronouns in order to create an inclusive space for trans people to do the same. Two of our students from the Rainbow Collective attended staff briefing to educate staff about using pronouns and invite them to make it a part of how they introduce themselves to students and other members of our school community. In their own words:


“The goal of asking cisgender people to share their pronouns as well is to help normalise sharing pronouns in introductions. Currently, sharing pronouns is seen as a strictly transgender thing, and it alienates trans people and makes them feel subhuman. By making pronouns seem like a more normal, everyday thing to mention in introductions, we are helping to create a space for transgender people to feel safe and comfortable. It helps to make them feel secure, like they are being treated just the same as their peers, LGBTQ+ or otherwise.”




The Rainbow Collective have been supported by our Youth Worker Katie Mills and Wellbeing Placement Students in collaboration with Manningham Youth Services’ Rainbow Connection Project Officer, and we’re very proud of the agency they are showing in supporting the school to achieve its aim of developing learners who are self-aware, respectful of diversity and navigate social relationships. 


As we come to the end of the year, our school looks forward to more opportunities in 2022 for celebrating and enhancing our inclusive and respectful culture, and supporting our young people to be the best they can be. We wish everyone a safe and happy holidays. 



Elisha Sadikay

Assistant Principal