Principal's Report

2021 Concludes

All students are active participants in a learning culture that promotes academic excellence and personal development through a diversity of challenging experiences.  



“Working together, learning together” – Working together to enable all students to achieve their potential and become confident, effective learners who contribute productively to society.



Doncaster Secondary College acknowledges the traditional owners of the land on which our school is situated, the Wurundjeri Woiwurrung people of the Kulin Nation. We pay our respects to elder's past, present and emerging and extend that respect to any and all Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people. We value the ongoing contribution to the cultural heritage that the Wurundjeri Woiwurrung people provide to our school as well as the city of Manningham. We recognise that this land was never ceded and there is no treaty, and we commit to efforts towards reconciliation as a school community. We at Doncaster Secondary College are inclusive of individuals from all backgrounds including the LGBTQIA+, culturally and linguistically diverse as well as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

End of year arrangements

Whilst a number of students may have informed their families that they no longer need to come to school, I can assure you that all staff are working incredibly hard to deliver a teaching and learning program which makes the most of the remaining time students have in classes this year. This is especially important given the time we have missed of face-to-face learning. Year 7, 8 & 9 classes will run as normal up to the 15th of December. Teachers are carefully planning for these lessons and have lesson plans available on Compass. Some alterations will be made to the English and Math program from Monday to Wednesday next week. These classes have been designed to target skills in these disciplines where COVID-related interruptions may have impacted you/your child. The groupings for these skills-based lessons are determined by recent PAT testing results.  


  • December 16th is our Curriculum Day. THIS IS A STUDENT FREE DAY. This Curriculum Day is required to plan for our innovative and exciting new sub-school structure commencing in 2022. Curriculum Day was shifted to this date to reduce the interruption to the program at a time students were transitioning back to onsite learning. 
  • December 17 is our cleaning and pack up day.  Formal classes DO NOT run on this day with students in attendance contributing to the community through the completion of environmental duties. 

Classes for 2022 are being carefully finalised, which may take longer than it has in previous years. This is partly due to the new mini-school team structure and the introduction of new programs to target the needs of each of our students. We appreciate your patience and will communicate with you as soon as we can.

Doncaster Secondary College Music Program

Every child and young person – no matter their background or circumstance – deserves the best chance to succeed in work and in life.


Quality music education provides children and young people with a range of developmental benefits. It enhances engagement and wellbeing, increases personal and social development, and improves outcomes in other curriculum areas.


Music is a big part of life at Doncaster Secondary College and the program aligns with the Education State ‘Learning for Life’ target that ‘By 2025 more students will reach the highest levels of achievement in the arts’ through increased opportunity for Victorian children and young people to participate in quality music education. Students at Doncaster Secondary College have the opportunity to participate in both a classroom and an instrumental music program. We have a wide range of music ensembles, from large Concert Bands and String Orchestras, to Jazz Bands, Guitar Ensembles and Rock Bands. Students can choose to learn, or continue to learn, a musical instrument at the College. 


The musical talent and dedication of staff and students was showcased at the Summer Concert, Middle and Senior School awards ceremonies, as well as the Open Afternoon for our incoming Year 7 students. The Summer Concert was an incredible evening with all students lifting for the occasion. We look forward to more events like this in 2023 and increased opportunities for our students to perform. These events cannot take place without such a dedicated team of staff who go above and beyond for our students. I am incredibly grateful to our Music Department led by Mr. Nick Dean and Ms. Wendy Howes, as well as Instrumental Music staff, technicians, education support staff and teachers. I know that our students are waiting in anticipation for their final results. Results for students enrolled in a completed VCE Unit 3–4 study in 2021 will be delivered to the student’s nominated address from Thursday 16 December.


Celebrations and Awards

Over the last two weeks, we have had the opportunity to celebrate the outstanding achievements of our students from across the College. The Middle School and Senior School awards ceremonies recognised students who have achieved excellence across their academic studies, sport, visual arts, music, demonstration of College values, and service. Although our families were not able to join us on-site to celebrate these awards, the live stream was of a very high quality. We also had the opportunity to celebrate the end of the year with the Graduating class of 2021. The care, mutual respect and appreciation for each other was evident. 


VCE Results and ATAR Service 2021

Results for students enrolled in a completed VCE Unit 3–4 study in 2021 can be accessed by using multiple avenues, including receiving their results via email and the VCE Results and ATAR internet service or app from Thursday 16 December. Students will have the opportunity to discuss the possible implications of their results with the Senior School and Careers team. Regardless of your final results, please know that you are capable young adults who are equipped to tackle and further your life-long education. It has been an honour and a privilege to play a part in your journey throughout your time at DSC. The rest of your life awaits you and I have no doubt that you are well prepared to make it a meaningful and successful one. 

Developing learners who are self-aware, respectful of diversity and navigate social relationships

Human Rights Week runs from December 3-10. This year’s Human Rights Day theme is ‘Equality — reducing inequalities, advancing human rights’. Human Rights Day is observed globally every year on 10 December, celebrating the adoption of the United Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The UDHR proclaims the rights of all humans, regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, language, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. The day highlights inspirational efforts from people around the globe to stand up for human rights and equality. Reducing inequality and advancing human rights is not something which we only focus on during these weeks. It is part of our values and who we are. As a result, one of the goals of the School Strategic Plan 2022-2025 refers to Developing learners who are self-aware, respectful of diversity and navigate social relationships. The Key Improvement Strategies which we will implement to meet this goal are:

  • Enhance the classroom approach to social and emotional learning.
  • Embed a culture of inclusion and respectful relationships.
  • Extend the multi-tiered response to support students’ wellbeing and mental health.
  • Embed programs and processes to welcome parents/carers as partners in their child’s learning.


There has already been a significant amount of work done in this space and the previous fortnight has provided an example of what this looks like at Doncaster Secondary College. International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) was celebrated with activities designed to build empathy and awareness, and students from the Rainbow Collective, an LGBTIQA+ allyship group , showed great agency and social awareness by inviting teachers to introduce themselves themselves by their pronouns as a way of normalising this and creating an inclusive space for trans people to do the same. Read more about these positive actions in our Assistant Principal’s Report. 


As this is the last newsletter for the year, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our staff for their professionalism and effort throughout the year. Thank you to parents/carers and families, for your commitment to our college and to your child’s education.  The positive partnership between home and school is an important one for students to see and makes a real difference to our children.  Staff will be returning from the holiday period on Friday 29th January. This is a pupil free day which is set by the State Government to provide staff with time to prepare for the return of students. We have decided to utilise one of our remaining Curriculum Days on Monday 31st January to continue this preparation. This means that Tuesday 1st February will be the first school day for our students in 2022. 


To those families celebrating Christmas, I wish you a Merry Christmas, and to all a safe and happy festive season and new year. I look forward to working with you again in 2022.


Glenn Morris
