Classroom Pracs

Examining Histology Slides
Friday's microscope lesson when students examined healthy and diseased (COPD) lung tissues.
pGLO Transformation
Prac the students attempted genetic modification.
Year 10 Microbiology
Year 10 students staining bacteria
Cane Toad Dissection
The whole class enjoying the hands on prac of dissecting cane toads!
Squid Dissection
More dissection fun! A cephalopod exploration (Squid & Octopus dissection)
Acid Reactions Prac
Year 10's enjoying more lab work with the prac of acid reactions.
Fish Dissection
Dissection was on the menu this month in Biology! Fish this time!
DNA Technologies
The class loved this prac!
Transformation and green fluorescent protein
12 Chemistry Galvanic cell prac
Galvanic cells and batteries are typically used as a source of electrical power. The energy derives from a high-cohesive-energy metal dissolving while to a lower-energy metal is deposited, and/or from high-energy metal ions plating out while lower-energy ions go into solution.