In and Out of The Classroom

Net sampling and microscope practise
Students in Aquatic Fieldwork have enjoyed a number of different experiences so far over the term. They learned about abiotic and biotic factors that affect aquatic ecosystems - including chemical tests and how to do macroinvertebrate surveys. They had an incursion where they tested samples from the Jock Marshall Reserve on Monash University Clayton campus to practice theory and techniques and then were split into teams to sample and analyse the chemical and biotic factors of various freshwater ponds on the Monash campus to produce an infographic poster. Students have also had an incursion from the Marine Mammal Foundation on Melbourne's new Burrunan dolphin species that included measurement and classification skills used by dolphin scientists. They have just started a unit on structure and function of marine mammals where they will learn through observing and dissecting fish, squid, octopus, crabs, and various shells. It has been great to be able to run hands-on activities and mini-excursions this year after being so limited to being online the last two years.
Maths Immersion Day
A house competition for all Year 10 and 11 students. House points are awarded for mentor groups who answer the most questions correctly. This years theme was 'code breaking' and students had to decipher a wide variety of codes. This years winner was......WOOD HOUSE! by 0.5 of a point! Congratulations.
Nova Rover at Science snippets
The amazing Nova Rover team came into JMSS as part of of the 'Science Snippets.' Monash Nova Rover is a team of university students designing, fabricating, and testing the next generation of Mars rovers right here in Melbourne - and inspiring future generations along the way.
Dolphin Incursion
Students learnt from the Marine Mammal Foundation's Matt Montemurro about the exciting new Burrunan dolphin species discovery in Port Phillip Bay and the skills of dolphin classification.