News & Events

JMSS Swim Sports
As always this event is full of fun, flair and colour!
Here are some highlights of the day!
The winners of the day were
- Congratulations to Blackburn house who won the days event and
- Congratulations to Wood house - for House Spirit Award
Both awards well deserved.
Good to have the first sports day of the year to go off without a hitch!
Year 12 Camp
Honestly speaking, camp was never my thing. From a young age I was never keen on attending camps throughout my schooling. I found it a real challenge to be away from home. However, thanks to some really supportive teachers and friends, I overlooked my hesitancy and took a leap of faith. Looking back, I am extremely grateful I attended as I felt year 12 really beginning to start ramping up. It was really nice to have a break from studying and classes and to just do fun things with your friends. The camp was awesome! The camp staff were really funny and really encouraged us to participate and engage, whether it was dancing or silly games.
Being at the school since year 10, I found it really eye-opening that there were so many people I still hadn’t met. Interestingly, I actually made a lot of new friends over camp and even strengthened existing friendships through the activities and fiercely competitive UNO rounds during free time.
It really pushed me out of my comfort zone at home and I am forever grateful. The thing that I really appreciated about Year 12 camp was how understanding they are about not wanting to participate too! You’re not obligated to do a certain activity if you don't wish to, everything is up to you!
Although it was only a few days, leaving camp I felt much more confident, self-assured and belonging at this school. Returning back to school was much smoother as I not only made so many new friends but I also had the chance to get away from the books which gave me the opportunity to rest my mind.
I just wanted to thank Mr Anderson for really getting me out there, I would have definitely regretted not experiencing my final camp with my friends if it weren't for you!
By Nad Lelwala Gurugamage
Co-Curricular Program
On Wednesdays we look forward to the little voices filling the spaces of JMSS.
Here are images of the Mini Maths & Little Scientist groups enjoying some experiments.
Whole School PD Day
JMSS' first whole school Personal Development Day was held on the 24th of March where students from all year levels participated in a range of activities and presentations with the objective of developing the whole person.
Year 12 students participated in activities and presentations that were focused on life after school, Year 11 students focused on healthy living and Year 10 students focused on a variety of areas including fitness, health, wellbeing, consent and gambling.
Overall the day was a huge success and will hopefully set our students up with key life skills that they will need as they venture forth from JMSS.
Last day of Term 1
On the last day of Term1, Friday 8th April - school will be dismissed at 2:30pm.
The last day will also be a free dress day!
The theme for this dress up day is Country vs Country Club.
This basically means you and your friends have the option to either dress like a cowboy/farmer (flannels, overalls, and jeans) or someone who goes to a country club (polo shirts, tennis skirts and checkered vests like golf and tennis attire).
Please bring a gold coin donation to Mentor Group. As decided by your 2022 parliament, all proceeds are going to the School Plus Flood Appeal which is donating to schools impacted by the NSW and QLD floods.
We hope you have a little fun with the theme and enjoy your last day of term!
Aabshaar, Ruby, Ben and Vibha
Regional Science Exchange
Thank you to all the families who are housing regional students next term - without your generosity, we could not run the program. We will be welcoming 10 students early next Term from across 7 different schools. We are so excited to be running this program again.