Library News

Dear Students and Staff,
I hope you have all been having a great Term 1 so far and are looking forward to the break ahead!
Here are some resources both for your personal reading and studies to help you to getting into the holiday:
Women's History Month - Books out on display
To celebrate Women's History Month and International Women's Day we displayed some great books related to women and the contributions of women to events in history and contemporary society.
The Readers' Cup Trophy 2021 Winners Engraved
Once again, a big congratulations to the winners of the Readers' Cup 2021. The Readers' Cup ran at the end of 2021 due to the difficulty in finding the opportunity for a face-to-face event, therefore the trophy has just come back engraved. The trophy will live on display in the library, please have a look at the newly engaged trophy below :)
Overdrive eBooks:
Our library subscribes to Overdrive, a service offering a great selection of both eBooks and eAudiobooks. Listening to eAudiobooks in particular is a great way to give your eyes a rest from the screen and have narrators tell a story.
A good challenge and a fun way to enjoy your personal reading is to start up a GoodReads account! You can start tracking what you’ve read and even challenge yourself with the Goodreads personal annual reading challenge. There is no pressure and it is a fun way to track your personal reading, seeing your online bookshelf is a great wat to see what kind of books you really enjoy and what you read most of. This can lead you to trying new genres and even suggested reads from GoodReads.
The SLV and Public Libraries: Sign up today!
Signing up to the State Library Victoria (SLV) is a really helpful resource and beneficial for your research. Signing up is free, can be done online and you will have access to all their databases and journals online.
Sign up to State Library Victoria (SLV) to become a member: Sign Up
1. free to join
2. access academic journal articles
Video 'Get to know State Library Victoria's online resources'
Please remember that public libraries have fantastic online resources. If you are already a member of your public library it is worth looking into what they can offer online and if you aren’t already a member you can sign up easily online to be a member and have immediate access to their online resources. Their online resources often include: eBooks and eAudiobooks, online magazine publications, subscriptions to services such as and video streaming services.
Issues in Society:
We have the online .pdf versions of Issues in Society a very current and Australian focused publication which tackles interesting issues facing society in a graphic and easy to follow format with up to date statistics, illustrations and graphs. We also have the current issues in print at the library!
Here is a direct link to our site and it can also be found on the portal.
These can be accessed digitally from the portal and Issues in Society site and as a print copy through the library.
vol 478 Body image issues vol 477 Future of transport vol 476 Housing the homeless vol 475 Sexual identity and gender diversity vol 474 Managing Australia's water vol 473 Understanding sexual consent
New Books at the library:
We have some great new books at the library as well as Lamont book reviews:
At the end of everything – Marieke Nijkamp
Fish out of water – Kate Hendrick
I must betray you – Ruta Sepetys
The other side of tomorrow – Hayley Lawrence
Radha and Jai’s recipe for romance
For Teachers: Science Education for Australian Students
UCAT resources:
For any of you hoping to do some preparation and learn more about taking the UCAT, we have some resources which you can view in the library and copies with Ms Carter in Careers as well.
New Scientist Essential Guides:
We now subscribe to the New Scientist Essential Guides as print resources and have received our first editions focusing on:
The Essential Guide #10: Einstein's Universe
How did the universe begin and how is it changing? What is it made of? Do black holes exist? Albert Einstein's space-and-time-warping theories of relativity have revolutionised our view of the cosmos over the past century.
Find out how in this tenth New Scientist Essential Guide, with topics including: How relativity works, the big bang universe, dark matter and dark energy, black holes and gravitational waves and the hunt for quantum gravity.
Published: December 2021
New editions of Physics Review, Biological Sciences Review, Chemistry Review, Psychology Review and Chem Matters:
Library Book Club:
For any students interested we have a Library Book Club. We will start our fortnightly meetings on Wednesdays 15 minutes into lunchtime at the library from Wednesday 02/03/22. This is a great way to stay connected and to join in the discussion with other students who love to read, please let me (Ms. Veldsman) know if you would like to join!
February Book Review:
Pachinko by Min Jin Lee
Pachinko is a sweeping historical fiction novel following several generations of a family and their trials as they immigrate from Korea to Japan during times of war. This is a beautifully written historical fiction drama deals with topics such as displacement and identity and spans a timeframe of 1910 to 1989. I found the story interesting as it is a historical perspective I hadn’t heard very much about previously and which is covered with deep empathy by the author.
There are great characters in the novel who really illustrate different perspective within the family and of people during these times and particularly during the war.
A beautiful read for anyone interested in topics of cultural identity, sense of family and dealing with hard times.
Wishing you all well-deserved Easter break!
Take Care All!
Ms. Veldsman