This broad panorama of the Carina Nebula, a region of massive star formation in the southern skies, was taken in infrared light using the HAWK-I camera on the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope. Credit: ESO/T. Preibisch / Rex Features

On Friday June 9th, Dr Laurance Splitter gave a presentation to Footscray City College’s VCE Philosophy class regarding Australian philosopher Donald Davidson’s Theory of Anomalous Monism. Knowledge of the theory should prove useful upon evaluating the contrasting viewpoints of other philosophers we have studied in Unit 3, in particular those of one of Davidson’s contemporaries, David Armstrong, and for an Oxford philosophical alumni such as Dr Splitter to share such knowledge will no doubt be of great benefit for the development of the class’ skills in terms of applying our own views and philosophical knowledge to contemporary debates and questions.


Dr Laurance Splitter is a founding figure in the Philosophy in Schools movement in Australia and academic. A doctoral graduate from Oxford, and Professor of Philosophy, he has applied his background in analytical philosophy to questions in education and continues to publish and research in the areas of philosophy of mind, personal identity and critical thinking skills in education.

Archie Beattie - VCE Philosophy student