VAPS Conference 2020 CfP

Calls for Presentations
VAPS will be running its biennial conference from 9-10 July, 2020 at Monash University, Caulfield in Melbourne.
The theme for this conference is: Sharing Best Practice.
We are putting out calls for practitioners who can deliver presentations, workshops, or communities of inquiry around the practice of teaching philosophy.
Presentations at the conference will further the practice of philosophical teaching and learning in educational settings.
Suggested topics include:
Facilitating Communities of Inquiry with different age groups (kindergarten, junior years, middle years, senior years, VCE)
Facilitation moves within a Community of Inquiry (e.g. how to get children to use analogies; how to promote caring or creative thinking)
Innovative practices (e.g. integrating technology; philosophy in unusual spaces; taking action after CoIs)
Explicit teaching with philosophy (e.g. how to teach specific philosophical or dialogic skills)
Integrating student voice and agency into philosophy and/or community of inquiry
Integrating social and emotional learning into philosophy and/or community of inquiry
Creating and using philosophical content and resources in the classroom
Using the Victorian/Australian/IB curriculum in philosophy and/or community of inquiry
Assessment in philosophy and/or community of inquiry
Teacher training in philosophy and/or community of inquiry
This list is not exhaustive. Proposals on any topic related to the practice of teaching philosophy and/or community of inquiry will be considered.
The deadline for these proposals is 7th February, 2020
VAPS will consider proposals and notify respondents of an outcome by 25th February, 2020
Please fill out the form on the right, or click here to fill it out in a new window.
Please feel free to send the link to this form to anyone who might want to submit a proposal: