Year 7-9 Sector

AP News


A message from our Yr. 9 student leaders:


We wanted to take this opportunity to introduce you to our new Assistant Principal Ms. Meagher.


We came up with some interview questions that we thought would help everyone get to know Ms. Meagher a bit better.


What inspired you to become a teacher?

My teacher for grades 2, 5 and 6 – Mrs Proud. She was amazing and THE reason I wanted to become a teacher.


What is you role at Brookside?

As an Assistant Principal I will be doing some exciting work around Inclusion, wellbeing and engagement for years P-9, and I also oversee the day to day operations of the secondary space (Yrs. 7-9).


What do you hope to achieve in your time here at Brookside?

I am so impressed with what I have experienced here at Brookside so far and I hope to build upon the great work the College is already doing with regards to Inclusion and placing the individual student at the centre of their learning. Basically, I want to see every student building upon their strengths and experiencing success.


What is your next big step profession wise?

Not sure, but I have dreamed of starting my own school one day.


Who was/is your inspiration in life?

I really admire Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister of New Zealand. She demonstrates such integrity and strength.


What is your biggest regret?

I don’t believe in regrets.


What is your life motto?

“Strength through adversity”.


Where did you grow up?

Sunshine 3020.


Do you have siblings (How many)?

3 younger brothers and 1 younger sister (I’m the eldest).


Do you have any kids?

Step-son Mikhail - 10, daughter Zailee - 4 & son Koa – 2.


Do you have any pets?

A staffy named Django


Favourite food?



Favourite type of music?

Everything but pop music, but mostly lean towards more alternative/rock and some old school hip hop.


Do you play any instruments?

Yes mostly guitar and a bit of drums, bass, piano and ukulele (all self-taught), I’ve also been told I can sing.



Keda Meagher - Assistant Principal

Year 7-9

Futures News

The Futures Program has been thriving on Wednesdays upstairs in the Northern Building. The Year 9s are just about to finish their second rotation and will be beginning their new rotation of units on Wednesday 29 May.


In the mornings, students in 9A have been busy writing resumes, cover letters, and making pathway plans towards careers they may be interested in pursuing after high school. They have also been investigating healthy lifestyles and creating projects to help inform the community about how to live a happy, healthy life.


9B have had a great few weeks travelling to the city every Wednesday with Mr Thompson. Each day has been fully planned by a different student group. Activities have included a safe driving course, a scavenger hunt, and a visits to the South Melbourne market, Melbourne Central, and learning how to navigate our way around the City Loop stations.


The martial arts experts in 9C have been learning from Guy and Rodrigo about how we can use martial arts to self-regulate – this has included a fair few push ups and even breaking blocks! In the afternoons, 9C have also been completing the careers unit where students are beginning to think about what life after high school might look like for them.


Future film makers 9D have spent Wednesday morning piecing together their documentaries that they have been working diligently on for the last twelve weeks. These documentaries are close to being completed and the students are excited to share them. In the afternoons, 9D have been learning about respectful relationships and the importance of communication and respect in our friendships and romantic relationships.


The philosophers of 9E have been reflecting on the ethics of topical and contentious issues in our society through a series of investigations and debates. Students have reflected on how their own “ethical principles” match to their personal points of view on issues in our society.


In the afternoons, 9E have also engaged with documentary making and have created films on such things as puberty, annoying noises, and one group have been looking at Crohn’s disease.

Our next Seminar Day, next Wednesday May 22, will be held with the Ambisie Organisation in Southbank.


Students will travel to Southbank by bus and take part in workshops that will help inspire them to want to make the most of their futures and really strive to achieve their dreams. We are looking forward to another inspiring day of thinking what life looks like beyond our final year at Brookside!



Lisa Spain