Year 3-6 Sector

Year 4 News

During writing we have been learning about poetry. So far we have done haiku, quatrain and limerick. We are all enjoying this. During P.B.L. (our favourite) we are now learning about famous explorers. We have learnt so much about them and we wish to learn much more. And not to mention digital technology.


We have been learning how to make animations with iStop motion. Me and my other classmates have been put into groups of 7 or 8 and I’m happy to say that our hard work has paid off and we have finished our animation – there are more amazing ones still to come!


- Nishica and Chivonne.

Year 5 News



How has the past shaped today and our future?

Students will learn about the concept of change through the lens of Australian history. They will learn about the causes and the reasons why people migrated to Australia from Europe and Asia.

Students will learn about the events and pioneers that have shaped our country as they work towards opening the Museum in Motion.


During the immersion stage of the unit, students were engaged in a variety of activities such Bollywood and Greek dancing, making Chinese lanterns and playing cultural games.


They deepened their understanding of our school value of RESPECT by embracing the cultures of others.



‘I really liked the Greek dancing (Dylan 5A)


‘I really liked the Bollywood dancing (Lulu- 5B)


I enjoyed making Chinese lanterns (Bailey- 5E)


I enjoyed learning Greek dancing’ (Mia – 5D)


I really enjoyed listening to the violin (Rohan- 5F)


‘I enjoyed playing the end zone game. (Doganay-5C)

Year 5 team.


What the Grade 5’s are learning in Term 2



Focus: Place value and decimals

In Mathematics, this term we will be focusing on place value and decimals, exploring and consolidating students’ understandings. Students will use a variety of interactive and concrete materials to develop their understandings.



Focus: Functional Writing

In Literacy, this term we will be focusing on ‘Functional Writing’ which is informative. It comes in various forms such as letters, e-mails, resumes, post cards etc.



We are looking forward to the upcoming NAPLAN and are currently preparing our students for this. We encourage you to support your child by continuing with daily reading at home and by completing the assigned Mathletics and Reading eggs tasks. If you haven’t done so already, please sign up for Seesaw and add comments for activities completed by your child.



The Grade 5’s are excited to continue with the Sports program for the Grade 5’s. This term we have whole class fortnightly rotations where students will participate in either one of the following: Basketball, Kickball, Tennis, Volleyball, Softball and Boot camp. These are facilitated by the classroom teachers.

We look forward to sharing more information with you in our upcoming newsletters.


Year 5 team

Year 6 News


In English this term, the Grade 6 students have been learning about Poetry. They have been focussing on making connections to different poems and songs, inferring and all about the structures and features of different types of poems. In groups, students were involved in researching about a particular poem and teaching the class about their poem through a powerpoint presentation. This involved students researching about their type of poem, knowing the structure and writing a poem of their own.


By conducting the presentations, students were able to learn about many different types of poems from their peers and have a turn at writing each type of poem they learnt about.

This allowed for students’ to take control and responsibility in their learning. This term, we have also started Reciprocal Reading. Reciprocal Reading focusses on students’ comprehension skills and fluency when reading. We have also been focussing on predicting and summarising, with the books we are reading.  


In Maths, we have been focussing on Shapes and Angles. Through a range of Problem based lessons and Learning centres, students have learnt how to measure, draw and classify different types of angles. Students have also learnt about the properties of quadrilaterals and how to identify the different types of triangles.


In Humanities/Project Based Learning, we have been focusing on reasons for migration and the history of Australia. Students will be researching individual migrants and investigating their reasons for coming to Australia and how they have impacted our country.


In health, we are focusing on identifying the needs of our community and brainstorming ideas, to support the physical and mental health and wellbeing of people in our community.


On the 3rd and 10th of May, the Grade 6 students went out to compete in their Inter-school sports competitions. They competed in Soccer, AFL, Netball and Tee-ball. All students showed great sportsmanship, resilience and teamwork when competing.


We would like to welcome all families to our Sector Assembly on Wednesday the 22nd of May, at 2:15pm.


Year 6 Team