End of Year Celebration 

Whole Kindergarten End of Year Celebration Information 

The end of the kindergarten year is very fast approaching! Below you will find information relating to the kinder end of year celebration.

End of Year Whole Kindergarten Celebration 

Thursday 5th December 

This event will begin at 5.30pm.

Children will be sharing a few of their favourite songs with you all. We like to keep the songs and the celebration casual and joyful. This is an evening to celebrate the year, and we do not feel it necessary to place pressure on children to perform. Therefore, children have worked together to choose a few of their favourite songs to share with families.  We will then share food and have a visit from a very special Christmas time visitor. 

We will not be holding individual class parties, this evening event will be the party for the whole kindergarten community. 

Please be at the kinder a little before 5.30pm so that we can gather children ready to sing with their class. We cannot wait for late arrivals unfortunately. While children are singing, please be mindful of other families around you. We ask that all adults sit at the back, behind children, and that if you stand, to only do so at the very back of the audience. 

Please also be mindful to only take photos of your own child, or make sure you have permission from other children's family before including them in your photos. Please only post photos of your own child on social media from the night. 

Please bring a plate of food to share with the kindergarten community, as we did for the Lantern Festival. Please no nuts of any kind in any of the food. Please also bring water for yourself and your children. 

Santa will be in attendance, if you have been to the kinder end of year celebrations before, you will know about the wonderful entertainment he provides for us all! After his performance, Santa will be in the new kindergarten room, ready to see children.

We will be taking children in, one kindergarten group at a time, beginning with Green Group children and families, followed by Purple Group then Orange Group. Please be considerate and patient. Each family will have a chance for their child/ren to see Santa, and for families to take a photo. We ask that families come together for one photo with Santa. We also ask that adults stand to the back, so that all children can see. 

We know that for some children getting up close to Santa can be quite scary, so please take the lead from your child/ren and their reaction to Santa, and let them decide on how close and what interaction they have with him. 

When your child/ren have had their turn with Santa, together as a family you will leave the room, and staff will hand your child a bag with their learning journals and other end of year items. 

Soon we will have a RSVP sheet at the sign in desk, where you can write your families name if you are planning to attend, and how many children will be coming as part of your family.