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Social and Emotional Learning

Research shows that children and young people’s learning is influenced by a range of social and emotional factors. 


How well individuals do in their learning environment is affected by things such as how:

  • confident they feel about their abilities
  • effectively they’re able to manage their own behaviour
  • well they can concentrate and organise themselves
  • effectively they can solve problems
  • positively they can get on with educators and their peers
  • effectively they consider others’ needs
  • well they can understand and accept responsibilities.

Therefore, SEL and success within the learning environment go hand in hand.



This is the ability to recognise and understand your own emotions, thoughts and values, and understand how they affect your behaviour. It’s about understanding and assessing your personal strengths, and understanding that abilities and intelligence can be developed and improved. The main skills include:

  • identifying emotions
  • self-perception
  • understanding strengths
  • self-confidence
  • self-efficacy.


This is the ability to manage and regulate your emotions and behaviour, including managing stress, controlling impulses and keeping yourself motivated. The main skills include:

  • impulse control
  • stress management
  • self-discipline
  • self-motivation
  • goal-setting
  • organisational skills.

Social awareness

This is the ability to understand and empathise with people from a range of diverse backgrounds, and to understand social and ethical norms of behaviour. The main skills include:

  • perspective-taking
  • empathy
  • appreciating diversity
  • respect for others.

Relationship skills

These involve the ability to develop and maintain healthy and positive relationships with others. They include the ability to communicate clearly, listen, cooperate, resist peer pressure and negotiate conflict. The main skills include:

  • communication
  • social engagement
  • relationship building
  • teamwork.

Responsible decision-making

This is the ability to make informed and responsible decisions about personal behaviour and social interactions with others, based on adherence to ethical standards, safety concerns and social norms. The main skills include:

  • identifying problems
  • analysing situations
  • solving problems
  • self-evaluation
  • self-reflection
  • ethical responsibility.

Children and young people’s social and emotional learning skills are developing all the time.

Skills may develop differently and at varying rates for different individuals. Children and young people benefit from having ongoing learning opportunities.