Performing Arts-Music News

Term 4 Music
We have had a term full of exciting events in the Music Department! The term began with the VCE Performance Evening, where our VCE Music students had the opportunity to share their music with parents and friends in an intimate performance evening. The Music Department then joined forces with the Student Leaders to run a busking fundraiser to support one of Dromana’s students. A number of students played and sang around the school at different busking locations during lunchtime, and a sausage sizzle was also run. Well done to all the students involved in the organisation of the event! Our Music Theatre Enhancement Program students also finished their year with a bang with a student-run showcase, consisting of a variety of performances that they created themselves. We are now looking forward to our end of year camp, the ‘Barnum’ Musical Production camp, which is a 3-day rehearsal camp to start preparing for our 2019 production. What a fantastic way to finish the year!