Performing Arts-Dance News

Peforming Arts and Wakakirri
It has been another busy and exciting year for Performing Arts (Dance Department) at Dromana College.
A group of Year 7 – 11 students have been consistently attending rehearsals and practicing every Tuesday lunchtime and Thursday afterschool on our Wakakirri entry – “383”, based on homelessness in Melbourne since the start of Term 2. The topic, large amount of the choreography, costume design, film projection and music editing was an epic job by one of our Year 11 students Gypsy Turner. Finally the big day arrived, Friday 17th August. After completing hair and make-up we rehearsed at school before being bussed to Frankston Arts Centre. There, we were welcomed by the Wakakirri team and settled into our dressing room before our stage dress rehearsal. That night was an exciting evening of both watching the other schools perform along with our turn to shine on stage. All students had a fabulous time, had wonderful positive energy, performed beautifully and were a credit to our school. To top off the event, we received awards for:
Best Raising Awareness Story Award
Best Public Speaking Award
Award for Excellent Group Dance
Award for Excellent Construction and Clarity
Award for Amazing Projection
Most Creative Reuse of Materials for Costumes Awards
On top of that we have been selected to perform in the state finals, also known as the Awards Night on the 11th September at the Palais in St Kilda. Back to rehearsal as we look forward to the upcoming awards night in Melbourne.
In other news the Term 3 Dance Evening will be on Thursday 6th September featuring the Year 12 (Unit 4) Composition solos along with Dance Club’s next exciting cabaret style dance … feathers and all!
We had a great turn up to the auditions for our 2019 school musical Barnum. It was wonderful to see such talent in the school!
We also look forward to the end of semester Dance Performance evening on October 25th featuring Year 11 (Unit 2) dance students (solos and group dance), Year 9 Dance students and Dance Club.