Principal's Report

The tone around the college and the focus of students on their learning is to be congratulated. I have been very impressed by the senior students approach to the examination period and for the respect displayed by all students in maintaining a quiet calm atmosphere across the school. I particularly want to wish our graduating class of 2018 all the very best on their final assessments. Similarly the commitment and willingness of students to participate in the many co - curricular activities on offer, including , the Year Ten Art Exhibition, the Junior Performance “Into Narnia.” , the primary school science fair, and many evenings of performance has been outstanding. Thank you to all members of our community for their commitment to these fantastic events.
The course counselling procedure for determining student courses in 2019 is now complete and the construction of next year’s timetable in preparation for Jump-start is progressing well. I would like to particularly acknowledge the work of our Year 12 teachers in providing holiday revision classes to help further prepare students for their final assessments. The attendance rate of all students over the holiday period culminating in a 3-hour English exam on Friday October 5, combined with daylight savings was fantastic. Thank you and well done to our teachers of Year 12, students and the senior school team for the impeccable organisation of the program.
Bushfire Preparedness
Dromana College BAL (Bushfire Attack Level), has been lowered which means we will most likely only close on code red days. Works to create fire breaks in the bushland areas surrounding the college have now been completed, adding an additional layer of protection to the students,staff and visitors of the college on high risk fire days.
JumpStart Program
Our well established JumpStart Program which sees eligible students promoted to the next year level at the conclusion of the formal examination period, is a very productive time, and a fantastic opportunity for students to put forward their best efforts in all of their 2019 classes. JumpStart commences on Monday 26 November and concludes on Friday 14 December 2018.
Student Acknowledgements
Lions International Poster Competition for Peace
This year Year 7 Lowan had the opportunity to participate in the International Lions Club Peace Poster. Students had been given the theme ‘Kindness Matters’. After several weeks of researching, drafting and finally completing their posters, they were collected by Mr Colin Stevens and judged last weekend. It is with great pleasure that I would like to announce the winning overall poster design was won by Year 7 student Hailey Martell-Steynen. Her poster now goes onto the next stage which is the state selection. We wish her all the best. All the students in 7 Lowan did a tremendous job.
Aerobics World Championships
Dromana College Year 12 student Hannah Silvestor, who with her team, won the FISAF World Championships in the Netherlands in October. We are very proud of Hannah, this is a remarkable achievement.
11th Annual Peninsula Teenage Art Exhibition and Fashion Show
The annual Peninsula Teenage Art Exhibition and Fashion Show was held on Monday 22 October. I would like to congratulate the Dromana College Parents and Friends Association and the Arts and Technology students and staff for providing this opportunity for young people across the Mornington Peninsula. It was fantastic to see so many of our creative students entering the fashion design competition. Congratulations and thank you to all involved: hosting, liaising, catering, rehearsing and particularly our Parents and Friends Association for organising and driving this event - well done.