Model Aeroplane Club News

Last week Matthew Donaldson completed his “Eaglet” model.


Although there were some delays in getting the correct size spinner “Nose Cone”, when it arrived we discovered that it was for a 3 blade propeller, not the usual one. So a triple blade was ordered, and fitted really well.

Matthew has worked diligently to complete his model. His attention to detail was impeccable, and he should be proud of the final product.

As per the club tradition Brian Crowley issued the G.M.A.C Certificate of Air worthiness.


I take this opportunity to congratulate Matthew on a great plane.


The club has struggled recently to get the traditional glow engines that for years have powered our control line and radio models as there is a global shift to electric battery powered planes. We are pooling our collective knowledge to try new modifications and test combinations of various power systems.

Matthew is taking up his new challenge building our first electric glider.


The club is now ready to welcome new members from year 7 students. We run every Wednesday after school from 3:15 to 4:30 pm in D10 (Woodwork room). Students interested need to organize their own transport.


Mr George Youssef

Model Aeroplane Club Coordinator