Principal's Notes
Hi everyone
I hope you enjoy today’s edition of ‘Healesville High Connections’. Congratulations to this week’s stars – Caitlyn, Sarah and Riley and a special congratulations also to Rhiannon, who appears in the ‘Hidden talent’ section. Thanks to Lily, Indi, Kai, Jordyn, Corey, Mr B and Karyn for the insight into their lives via ‘5 questions’ and thank you also to each of the other contributors.
Thank you and congratulations to everyone for the way you are continuing to tackle the challenges of remote learning. If current COVID numbers continue to reduce brighter days are not far away. Although there cannot be certainty as to when school may resume on-site there were positive indicators in the comments yesterday by the Chief Health Officer and by the Minister for Education.
Victoria’s education minister James Merlino said “I’m confident schools will return to face-to-face teaching in term four. Exactly when will depend on advice of the CHO.”
The Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton was quoted as saying “I think it’ll be staggered in terms of seeing how it can work, but I absolutely hope we can get there.”
A decision on a return to school is expected before the start of the upcoming school holidays.
Until such time as any decisions are made we will continue to focus upon what we can control – hard work, flexibility, care and support for each other!
Best wishes everyone – stay safe.
Allan Rennick