HEPE and Sport

Remote Learning

Welcome to Steptember

The PE team have decided to run our very own KILLESTER STEPTEMBER - where students track their individual steps over a four week period (until the end of September).


Prizes will be awarded for Year Level Champions, as well as Individual House Step Champions in each year level. 


All you need to dois record your total steps for each week (starting today) and record these in the google sheets below. That means you need to keep track of your daily totals over a seven day period. 


There is a sheet for each year level which are divided into houses so you can see who has the most steps so far for your year level and your house!  The sheet also specifies the dates for each week. Please refer to this when recording your steps for the week.


Mr Kelleher has kindly linked these documents into the KOOL website for your easy access - please go to KOOL - click on staying active - then click on Steptember to easily find these sheets.



Any questions please email me at rroberts@killester.vic.edu.au.  


Good luck ladies and get stepping!

The PE team

How are you keeping active?

Even though we are in lockdown, one benefit of it is that it has given me the opportunity to exercise more and become more consistent. To help with my exercise I've downloaded FitOn which is a great app that has heaps of workouts from amazing trainers. I usually set my weekly workouts on Sunday so that I have a plan and feel more obliged to follow it! My workouts vary from cardio and weighted workouts to simply going for a walk outside or on the treadmill. Not gonna lie, it took me a while to get through some of the workouts and get my fitness levels back to usual, but there are heaps of great workouts on youtube and I highly recommend madfit, emkfit and pamela reif because they incorporate lots of fun workouts to groovy music. We also recently started a strength and conditioning unit in sport and recreation and have been exercising for 30 minutes every Wednesday as a class. We get to have our cameras on and it's so nice to see everyone! During lockdown, it's important to stay active in order to keep healthy.  Thank you.

by Charlene Nheu, Year 11


During remote learning and in isolation it is crucial to remember how important your physical, mental and emotional health is. Physical activity is a great way to uplift your spirit if you’re feeling a bit down or unmotivated and to maintain fitness, especially without our allocated P.E classes. My personal favourites to keep active are going for a walk, bike rides and playing basketball in the backyard to get some fresh air. On those colder days, doing some at-home workouts, dancing around to music in your room, yoga with family or calling friends to do it with, is also a great way to socialise and keep active at the same time!

by Erica Dixon-Mason, Year 10


Throughout the pandemic and lockdowns I’ve been keeping active by following running programs and bodyweight exercises to keep my fitness and strength up. Most of my running programs are sets of sprints for example, 250x3, 150x8 and 80x10. As well as sets I do more distance based running such as  30 minute runs, where I run for 30 minutes at a steady pace without a break, each time trying to increase my pace and fit in more kms. I also do 2 minutes on 1 minute off, where you run at a pace that you can keep for 2 minutes, then walk for 1 minute and you continue for as long as you can. For the body weight workouts I follow programs that my sports club provides, it uses limited equipment and is as follows. 

by Sierra Lee Year 11

Year 7s Keeping Active

I completed the school workout on national HEPE day conducted by Ms Camilleri , I really enjoyed this session where I was reminded to keep active and to work on my fitness. Due to the success of this session Ms Camilleri generously donated her time to us to run a Yr 7 level workout session on Friday 11th September at 11.45.


This session was especially for the year 7s to keep moving and encourage us to be active. 

Ms Camilleri completed a tabata session with us where we worked for a period of time (roughly 30 secs ) followed by a rest. This was completed in sets and had us all moving with our hearts racing.  Many Year 7s joined in for the period 4 session, I completed my workout outside because it was such a nice sunny day.  All year 7 s seemed to enjoy the session and it was great to do something different with the year level during online learning.  A huge thanks to Ms Camilleri for running the session and to Ms Kennedy for helping me organise it. I loved it!

by Chloe Shinkfield, Year 7

Some more healthy recipes.....