Japanese Language News 

'St Anthony's encourages students to be curious, creative, and critical thinkers through a teaching approach that connects the values of Catholic faith to the thoughts, feelings and actions of our students.'

Welcome back to Term 4. It's been lovely to see every student back at school with big smiles on their faces! 


We've spent our first week of the term speaking in Japanese and playing games fairly with our classmates.


We will be doing lots of speaking and cooperative activities this term in Japanese. This will be supported by Action Language where students learn a hand gesture to help them remember new words and sentences.


There has been lots of positive feedback from students about doing Japanese at home with the family. Please keep an eye out on Dojo throughout the term for some suggestions of fun Japanese culture activities that the whole family can enjoy at home.  


The topic for this term in each level are:


Foundation: Classroom talk

Grade 1/2: Shapes

Grade 3/4: Wacky Japanese flavours

Grade 5/6: Likes and dislikes


Have a great weekend!

Linda Ly

Japanese Language Teacher