From the Deputy 

Dear Families,


Our Distance Learning marathon is hopefully entering its last stages in the coming weeks. Understandably, everyone is feeling a natural level of fatigue because of the different ways we have to work and learn at the moment.  Whilst we still have a little way to go for the term, it's important that we look after ourselves throughout this time.  In particular, parents, it can be your wellbeing that is put to the side in favour of your children's needs.  However, self-care is not the same as being selfish and I encourage you to read the Wellbeing page to consider how you will look after yourself in the last part of the term.


Collaboration is key at St. Anthony's

There is so much to celebrate about the teaching and learning that is happening at St. Anthony's.  We are fortunate to have highly experienced and expert staff working across all levels and facets of our school.  Collaboration is the key when it comes to success in any educational setting and this can only happen when all key groups are included in the dialogue.  This week alone we have been 'collaboration mad'.  This has taken the form of:

  • An SRC meeting where we discussed the feedback from Wellbeing Week provided by students, staff and parents
  • An interview with David Southwick, our local member, to find out about his work in the community.  This was conducted by our Year 6 leaders, Mrs Carlei and their teachers
  • Weekly planning sessions between the Junior, Middle and Senior teaching teams, supported by our Maths, English, RE and Wellbeing Leaders
  • Weekly Professional Learning sessions. This week the focus was on the Personal and Social Capability in the Victorian Curriculum and the team worked productively to complete a curriculum map for the school.
  • Live Google Meets between teachers and classes each day with a focus on the core areas of the curriculum
  • A Leadership Team meeting which looked at mapping out Term 4, scheduling events and putting in place tentative plans for the student's return to onsite learning (fingers crossed)
  • School Leaders attending vital Network meetings with our colleagues working in other Catholic primary schools, discussing the key issues that we are all facing and collaborating on possible solutions
  • Classroom teachers making daily and weekly phone calls to parents offering their support, assistance and guidance in response to the unique needs of families

Collaboration is highly valued at St Anthony's and we look forward to opportunities to engage with you, your children and the wider community to continue on our ongoing improvement journey. 


Where in the world is the Distance Learning Hub?


There have been a few questions from families about how to locate the Student Distance Learning Hub.  Please watch Miss Norton and one of our fantastic Year 5 students, Leila talk you through it in this short 'How to' video.

with best wishes,


Peta Overbury

Deputy Principal