Jenny's Chat Room
Launching off from where I finished in the last Newsletter:-
REMEMBER Parenting is a marathon, not a sprint!You need to re-fuel in order to keep going. If you don’t, you’ll burn out and won’t make it to the finish line. Lack of rest can lead to poor physical and mental health. We are Human beings not human doings: we are not capable of going and going without a break.
But you’re probably thinking, “That’s all very well, but how do you find time to rest in between looking after the kids, doing housework and making sure the wheels don’t fall off everything?”
Here are a few things that possibly might work for you…
To begin with, every Sunday afternoon, look at what’s happening in the week ahead, list what needs to be done on each day and then schedule in rest. Negotiate with your partner/husband so that he can find time to rest also.
Keep a Rest and Relaxation list and continually add to it. It’s just a list of things you like to do—watching TV/DVDs/movies, reading, knitting, writing, eating good food, visiting art galleries, going for a walk, etc. Keep this list because sometimes you can forget what you enjoy doing—particularly when you're stressed or depressed.
• Can your in-laws or a really good friend help you out one day of the week and find a way to reciprocate for your friend? Don’t feel embarrassed asking, I’m sure the in laws would love to help with your young ones still at home; and if you work it with a friend they can also get a rest.
• Factor in a date night - its important to keep the main relationship in a family happy and fulfilled.
• A night out for your husband is important too, encourage him to make some time for mates.
• Holidays: people can be supremely bad at planning trips away. It helps when you can plan something around an event, like a family wedding etc. Just like that Loreal commercial that says, “Go on your worth it!”
A final thought:-
Often we parents can be very harsh with ourselves, thinking things like, “Other people have it harder and manage to do it all with less help; I just need to put in more effort”, “I need to be less lazy” and even “I just need to suck it up”.
If this is you, let me encourage you to view your circumstances more objectively. Don’t compare yourself to others; it’s like comparing apples to oranges and it’s never helpful. You are you: no one else is in your situation. Work out what makes things sustainable for you. Work out how to build rest into your life.
PS Next Monday morning is our final morning tea for the term. Fresh scones, jam and cream on offer with our special guest Lawa Hudson continuing her beautiful nail art for all those interested.