Deaf Education Centre (DEC)

DEC News
Cover Photo: Shaylee, Cameron, Mr Robinson working with Eloise from Hearing Australia.
Featuring a personal story by: Cleo, Y10
Being Deaf is the best thing that has happened to me.
I have grieved for the longest time possible; I have lost something that I would never fully experience; my hearing.
Since I was born, I’ve had a moderate hearing loss, but I was not diagnosed until I was 4 years old. Have you heard the saying ‘the first five years are the most important?' Well, I was considered doomed. I had no future, no success and essentially, no life. My educators were not afraid to express their ‘concern’ throughout primary school. They thought I was not able. For example, I was given Year Five work although I was in Year Seven and already getting good grades in that subject. You could imagine how powerless I felt!
My Mum had a hard time raising me, I was turning into those kids who rebel, stole, and lie. It is the first stage of grief; shock, and denial. It was not until I went to high school that I was treated better. I had a team of teachers that helped me with my loss and helped me realize that it is real, and I need to make it work. I suffered from the second, third and fourth step of grief throughout Year Seven and most of Year Eight, this was pain, guilt, anger, bargaining and depression.
I did not want to believe it was true, I could hear! There was nothing wrong with me and I was tired of people thinking so. I wanted so bad to be ‘normal’ but it just was not happening. But with the tremendous support I had from my teachers, I saw the light as cheesy as it may be.
I went through the fifth and sixth step at the end of Year Eight into Year Nine; the upward turn, reconstruction and working through.
At this time, I realized I was academically gifted in English and Humanities, so I tried. Everything the teachers were worried about back then was nothing! I was making my weakness into my advantage.
This leads to the last stage of grief. Acceptance, and hope. I am in Year 10 and I can say I have accepted my hearing loss. Having a disability does NOT mean you are incompetent. You are just as capable as anyone else.
Cleo, Y10
Cleo is an up and coming artist with a lot of talent. Here is one of her pieces.
Auslan Stage Left
'The Addams Family' Da da da dum, click, click!
The current Coronavirus situation has again put us into lockdown and we have had to postpone our production. We will do our best to rebook Auslan Stage Left for the new dates.
* * Currently we are still in lockdown and will have more information in Term 4. * *
Deaf Sports Day
Our annual Deaf sports day is always a highlight for our students and staff. It’s an opportunity for us to get involved in the Deaf Community and the students particularly love it when they get to catch up and see old friends and meet new ones. We get to immerse ourselves with friends and colleagues from within the community while playing an array of sports including basketball or hitting a few golf balls at the driving range.
* * Deaf Sports day has been postponed due to the current lockdown. We will keep you updated as more information regarding this event becomes available. * *
Subject Selections
It has been an exciting time of year for our Y8, 9 and 10 students as the Course Counselling and Subject Selection process has now been completed. This was a great opportunity for students to choose the subjects and electives they would like to study for 2022. Well done.
DEC Office Update
The DEC staff have been temporarily relocated to the Resource Centre Office. As such we will be booking various classrooms/learning spaces around the College to run our Language Intervention and support classes as our DEC room is currently not of use. Thanks to Mrs Burnett for welcoming us and putting up with us in the Resource Centre. We are hoping to have something more permanent by the start of next year.
SSG Meetings
Our Student Support Group Meetings with Alex Robinson, will be held towards the end of this Term. Please keep an eye out for an email from Sarah about information on how to book your 30 minute meeting.
Stay safe everyone.
DEC Team
Alex, Sarah, Kathryn and Anne