School & Community Notices 

NAIDOC and Science Week

All parents and community members are invited to come along on Tuesday 17th August to experience the amazing Fervor and Brian Champion for an educational, taste sensation experience!

Parent TV- Latest Information

Reframing Sibling Conflict- Sibling rivalry is inevitable in all homes, but how can you stop it or turn it into something that's good? Watch this short video as expert Dr Justin Coulson explains.


Investing in friendships when you're a parent-

Being a parent, our days are spent attending to the many needs of our children and we tend to neglect our own. It's important to learn to also look out for ourselves! One way in doing that is investing into friendships. Our friends are there to support and encourage us along the parenting journey! Read this blog to learn why it's important and what you can do.


Eliminating Morning Mayhem!

Mornings can be some of the most hectic times in a household. From rushing to to get breakfast down, clothes on, hair done to getting out the door is so go go go! How can you make mornings a little less stressful and also help set you child up for success for the day? Read this blog to learn more!