Ulysses Community Report

A message from the Ulysses Team

A big thanks to all students and families for adapting so quickly to remote learning again in Term 3. We are very proud of the way students have challenged themselves online, been creative at home, added input to video calls and cared for their learning by always trying their best. We are very thankful for the support of parents and guardians online and at home during these times. 


In Literacy, the Ulysses community is working on drafting, editing and publishing an autobiographical poem. Students are brainstorming and creating synonyms and antonyms as well as using adjectives to engage their audience. We have also been looking at examples of autobiographical poems and other poems to look at the similarities and differences of poems as well as the language writers use in their poems.








The Ulysses community have been focusing on Multiplicative thinking. Multiplicative thinking is indicated by a capacity to work flexibly and efficiently with the concepts, strategies and representations of multiplication and division with an extended range of numbers.


The concepts of multiplication and division have been introduced in week 1 and 2. Students have been working to further develop their knowledge by thinking more deeply about the strategies they have learnt. The Think board is an excellent resource that students can complete independently during remote learning showing their understandings. They can enter at any given point as they get to select their number sentence. The Number sentence is a starting point that they feel confident with. This allows the student to succeed and be challenged by completing 6 different strategies concepts and also showing their ability with their new skills and strategies they been have taught.



In Term 3 the Ulysses community students have been concentrating on our school value ‘care for others’. With our focus on school wide positive behaviour and caring for others in the play areas, we have looked at student expectations and how they can display the right behaviours. 

Possible ways your child could demonstrate caring for others at home are:

  • Asking someone how they are
  • Playing safely with siblings
  • Sharing equipment with those at home
  • Helping others do jobs around the house
  • Helping others when they are struggling
  • Complimenting someone
  • Listen to others when they are talking.

During remote learning students answered questions about our school value ‘care for others’ in the school yard. 


During SEL students have also been understanding the meaning of fair play. Students reflected on how they are able to play fair and have completed role play scenarios.Students created listed such as: 

When I play fair I:

• Respect the Rules

• Respect the officials and accept their decisions

• Respect my opponents

• Give everyone an equal chance to participate

• Maintain my self-control at all times






Important Notes to Remember.

-Athletics day permission note

-Please ensure that all clothing items and water bottles have student names on them so they can be returned

-Please ensure all students are at school no later than 8.50am each day so they do not miss out on important information during mentor sessions

-Students are encouraged to bring their iPads to school daily 

-The Ulysses home reading and spelling program began towards the end of Term 2. Students are to complete this throughout the week. Students must bring their blue reading satchel and diary to school daily

- Blue satchels and diaries are available at the office for purchase. They are $10 

-Encourage students to bring a fruit/vegetable snack each day to eat during brain food time. We will continue to promote healthy eating at school. 

-Encourage students to practise tying their own shoe laces daily