Following the Mass for the Needy, nearly two weeks ago, every classroom has been collecting donations for those less fortunate. Special thank you to all Sacred Heart families for their kind and generous donations. Today the Year 6 students showed a great deal of pride in their school when they delivered food and other essential goods to St Vinnies. The response from our students and families is certainly reflective of actions central to the heart of Jesus. Through the Sacred Heart of Jesus we are guided to help those in need.  For those who are finding life tough, we hope, through our donations and actions we can bring some comfort.



St Vinnies Colac receiving all our donations
Year 6 Leadership Team
St Vinnies Colac receiving all our donations
Year 6 Leadership Team




Sacrament of Confirmation and Eucharist: This week the students in Year 3 and 4 will be sent home with a letter containing information about the Sacrament of Confirmation and Eucharist planned for next term


From the Parish -  The Eucharist and Confirmation Kits are available from the Parish Office from Thursday 24th June, during office hours 9am to 12noon Monday to Friday and yes we are open over the school holidays.


Julie Leonard - Religious Education Leader