
Attendance Matters

It is important to establish a good routine to ensure students are attending school every day that they are well and are arriving on time. Sometimes an absence is unavoidable due to sickness and medical related absences.  It is a department requirement that parents notify the school for any absence.  Clyde Primary School’s preferred method of communicating a student absence is through our Compass App.  You can add an attendance note on the app and this will be communicated directly to the classroom teacher.  We request that you notify the school before 9.30am if your child is going to be absent that day.  If you do not notify the school of your child’s absence by this time, you will receive communication that your child is away and that the absence is unexplained. 

At Clyde Primary School, our classrooms are open from 8.50am and this is a great time for children to arrive at school.  It ensures that they have unpacked their bags, been to the toilet and spoken to their friends.  They are then ready to learn when the 9am bell goes. Before school is also a good time to quickly chat to your child’s teacher if needed.

If your child arrives after 9am, please ensure that your child goes to the front office to sign in before they enter the classroom.  Similarly, if parents are picking children up before the end of the school day, parents/carers must collect their child from the office and sign them out.

Clyde Primary School encourages families to plan their holidays during the school holiday period.  If an extended absence during the school term is unavoidable please notify your classroom teacher at least two weeks prior to the extended absence (an extended absence is 3 days or more) so a student absence learning plan can be developed. 

Student Absence Learning Plans are implemented to support the education of students who are absent from school for an extended period.  The Principal or Assistant Principal will sign off on Absence Learning Plans.  Work completed during this extended absence is to be returned to the classroom teacher upon returning to school. 


ACE Foundation: Prescription Glasses


The ACE Foundation is an organisation that supports schools in the City of Casey.  One way they support our school is by providing access to a bulk billed optometrist appointment and one free pair of glasses if your child requires them.  If you would like your child's eyes to be assessed, please come into the office and collect a consent form from the school. Once you have filled in the form, bring it back to the office to receive a school stamp.  Then you can make an appointment with any of the participating centres. Your child will receive a comprehensive eye examination and if your child requires glasses, they can choose a pair from a specific range for free. 


If you have any questions please contact Hayley Taylor, Wellbeing Leader.