Staff News

Lost Property

As the end of Term 4 approaches, please take time to search for missing clothing. Lost property is located on the racks outside the Art room. Un-named and unclaimed clothing will be given to the second hand uniform shop at the end of each term.


CPS Japanese Parent Class

Last Wednesday, we had our last CPS Japanese Parent Class for 2022. We invited a Melbourne based Mizuhiki artist, Anna Konecny to run a fantastic Mizuhiki wreath making workshop. We learned about history of Mizuhiki and meaning of the Japanese motifs she uses for her Mizuhiki creation in this workshop.

Thank you to all those that joined the CPS Japanese Parent Class this year! 


We hope you had fun and learned something about the Japanese language and culture. 



Rika Klein

Prep C Teacher



News from the Specialists 


Visual Arts


Thank you for coming to our CPS Amazing Art Show on Dec 5 and 6.  It was wonderful to see the many parents, siblings and relatives who visited the art show and the students proudly explaining their work. 


We also had our Kids’ Choice Award, where students visited the CPS Amazing Art Show and voted for their favourite piece of artwork in each category for their year group. 


The winners are: 

Ren W G (3/4)
Zac N (5/6)
Nayu A, Elodene A, Eva S, Miya L (5/6)
Aidan G (5/6)
Bryan Y (1/2)
Ally D (Prep)
Shiori O (Prep)
Anna W (1/2)
Mia K (3/4)
Ren W G (3/4)
Zac N (5/6)
Nayu A, Elodene A, Eva S, Miya L (5/6)
Aidan G (5/6)
Bryan Y (1/2)
Ally D (Prep)
Shiori O (Prep)
Anna W (1/2)
Mia K (3/4)


Congratulations to everyone that contributed!


  Miho Suzuki-Bevan

  Visual Art Teacher