Physical Education

Welcome back families!
I hope you enjoyed an amazing summer break with your family as much as I did.
We have a few dates for sport in years 4-6 (some apply to year 3’s also) that we can lock in already if you want to pop these in your diaries. There are still many I will keep you informed of throughout the term.
Dates for the diary:
Swimming Trials - Wednesday 15th Feb (years 3-6) see information below.
District Swimming Carnival - Wednesday 1st March (for those chosen in the team from 3 to 6) at Doncaster Aquarena
Gala Day (year 4) - Wednesday 8th March
Gala Day (year 5 & 6) - Thursday 23rd March
District Cross Country (years 3-6 chosen in the SJV team) - Friday 19th May (Ruffey Lake Park)
District Athletics - (years 3-6 chosen in the SJV team) - Wednesday 7th September (Doncaster Athletics Track)
District Cricket Day (year 5 & 6 TBC) Friday 6th October - Donvale Reserve
Swimming Trials
A reminder that we are holding our swimming trials for the District Swimming Carnival on Wednesday 15th of February at Ringwood Aqualink. These will run from 730 - 830am. These are for year 3 to 6 age students. Students must be turning 9 by December 31 to qualify for trials. The races will be timetrialed and the teams will be based on these times. The student must be able to swim 50m safely to trial for these events.
Click here to sign up your student for the morning. They can trial for 50m freestyle, backstroke, butterfly or breastroke. The fourth fastest times will make up the relay teams.
SSV Teams
Throughout the year, students are able to attend trials for the various State teams for various sports. It is advised that you are working towards the elite level to try out for these teams. The following will open soon.
Team Vic Australian Football 2023 will open on 1 December, 2022
Team Vic 12&U Cricket 2023 will open on 1 December, 2022
12&U Football (Soccer) 2023 will open on 1 December, 2022
Team Vic Netball 2023 will open on 1st December.
15 Years and Under Boys and Girls Volleyball in 2023 will open on 1st December 2022
As these come available I will advertise them in the newsletter. However, you can go to the link below to check out the various sports also.
Any questions please email me at
Have a great week
Stay well, stay active
Catherine Wall
Health & PE Teacher
Sport Coordinator
(Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday)
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