Principal's Post

Dear Families,
Last week was extremely satisfying from my point of view. We gained a lot of information and data on students current level of learning; what they know and what they need to improve or learn. This helps teachers set learning at the right level for your children; not too easy, not too hard but just right. Does this remind you of a story with three bears in it?
The other benefit of the two assessment days is the easing back to school for many of our anxious students who had the chance to bond with their class teacher and reintroduce themselves to their new classroom environment with only a quarter of their class present.
Our Preps settled in very well. I'd say that's due to a combination of a few factors; excellent preparation by parents, a well structured transition program at school and a full year of kinder (no COVID interruptions). A few comings and goings over the holidays see us starting with 49 Preps.
Our Year Six students look very smart in their new Rugby tops and have started the year displaying great leadership. They head off to Camp at Phillip Island on Wednesday morning. I'll be joining them on Wednesday afternoon and returning to school on Friday morning. We handed out the Year Six Leadership badges this morning.
Food Allergies
As parents begin organising food for their child’s lunch box, a friendly reminder that we have a number of students who have severe allergies to various food products. These students have specific health care plans in place to ensure their safety and appropriate medical care if required. These allergies are extremely serious, and as most of us can only imagine, worrying for parents. We are asking parents to be extremely mindful of the food products that are sent to school. It would be greatly appreciated if parents can avoid products such as nuts, eggs, fish, sesame seeds and dairy products. Further detail will be provided at your class information sessions next week. If we work together as a community and support these students and parents we can avoid creating a severe medical situation.
We handed out our Student Representative Council badges this morning at assembly too.
The elected students are expected to regularly attend SRC meetings and be prepared to share ideas from their peers and report back to their class group any important information discussed at SRC meetings.
A child may be elected as their class’ SRC representative in the junior year levels and then may be re-elected for a second time in the middle or senior year levels. In total, a child can be elected no more than twice in their time at St James nor be their class’ SRC member for consecutive years.
Monica Deleo, Our Student Wellbeing Leader coordinates our St James SRC.
Medical Information
A reminder to families it is a requirement to have children's updated medical action plan and forms uploaded to Operoo annually. These forms are required before we are able to administer any medication to students.
Parent Information Evening Wed 15 February
Our beginning of the year Information Evening provides all parents with the opportunity to meet your child's class teacher, listen to general expectations of the level as well as some of the curriculum demands and opportunities for your child throughout the year. All parents are expected to attend a session with your child's teacher at either 6.30pm or 8.00pm as well as the whole school session at 7.15pm. Class sessions will be in one of the level classrooms and the whole school session in the Community Centre.
As you may have seen, we are currently using a QR code to sign In/Out. We are updating our iPad and will be providing both an iPad and QR code moving forward. The Vpass software is also in the process of updating, so you may see a few more changes over the coming weeks including an options App for efficiency. A reminder that if your child arrives at school after 8.50am it is a requirement to accompany them to the office to sign them in. Laminated late passes will be given to students to pass to their teacher advising that they have arrived late and have been to the office to sign in. Stickers will no longer be given out.
New applicants need to complete a CSEF application form or download from the website -
If you applied for CSEF at your child's school last year, you do not need to complete an application form this year unless there has been a change in your family circumstances. You only need to complete an application form if any of the following changes have occurred:• new student enrolments; your child has started or changed schools this year.• changed family circumstances; such as a change of custody, change of name, concession card number, or new siblings commencing this year.
Growing Cambodia Inc.
A special mention to a local community hero, Glenda Salter. Glenda was referred to SJV by Ebony Soane as a person that contributes to charity work for communities in Cambodia. Glenda is taking discontinued SJV uniforms for school children in Siem Reap, Cambodia. If you would like more information on Glenda's wonderful cause please visit
COVID Update
We will keep up our COVID safe practices including: washing hands, using sanitiser, maintaining safe distances, coughing/sneezing into elbows, using ventilation when possible.
Please know that we have invested in resources to provide for student's outdoor learning as well as maintaining our air purifiers in all learning spaces.
A few Important Dates to Note
Wednesday 15 February - Information evening. All parents are expected to attend a session with your child's teacher at either 6.30pm or 8.00pm as well as the whole school session at 7.15pm.
Thursday 9 and Friday 10 March - School Closure Days for our staff conference. Camp Australia will run a day care program at St James. (Monday 13 March is the Labour Day holiday)
Monday 24 April - Parish School Closure Day called by Fr Dispin (this means that Term Two will commence on Wednesday 26 April, after ANZAC Day)
Local PTV school bus
St James is lucky to have a PTV bus service picking students up from the front of our school. The Bus Route for St James students is - left into Heatherdale Rd, left to Good Governs, right to Purches St, left to Dudley St, left to Cochrane St, right to Orient Ave, left to Mitcham Rd, right to Canterbury Rd, left to Nurlendi Rd.
Please let the school know (email office/classroom teacher) if your child is to use this service. If your child is using the service for the first time we will inform the driver. You are welcome to give a note, but please ensure your child is aware where to get off. If however you would like to travel the bus service with your child on the first occasion you are more than welcome but please let us know in advance. We can also organise some of the senior students to look after new bus passengers.
- The Bus Company is Ventura.
- A staff member puts the students on the bus each day at 3:15pm or when it arrives at the front gate. The staff member does not travel or supervise the students.
- The students are required to have a current myki card.
- The students from St James are the only students on the bus for its duration. It is not a public bus so unknown adults cannot get on the bus.
- The bus driver is happy to drop the students off along the route where students require to be dropped off. In almost all situations the drop off point for a particular student or students doesn’t change. The student(s) ring the bell and tell the bus driver to stop. The drivers get to know the drop off points, but students are asked to ring the bell each time.
- Each driver has a ‘Working with Children Check.’
- Usually there are several students travelling on the bus, but be aware that it could be possible that your child is the only one on the bus.
- Some parents meet their child at the drop off point. This is a good idea.
- Parents need to inform their child where they are to get off the bus and what roads and where they are to cross, after disembarking from the bus.
School Fees 2023
Direct Debit arrangement forms will be sent home via Operoo this week. Please note any previous direct debit arrangements are null and void, as new arrangements need to be signed each year as per MACS policy.
Have a great week!