At the end of March, 9 Japanese students and 2 staff visited at Wyndham College, as part of an International Study Tour. They visited during their apring break to experience life in Australia and practice their English.


The students arrived on a Sunday and were picked up by their host families to spend the afternoon getting to know them. The next day, the Wyndham Student Buddies met the visitors and participated in a Welcome Ceremony and played getting-to-know-you activities.


During their stay, our Japanese visitors spent time attending regular Year 11 and Year 12 classes and learnt about Australian animals, food and slang in EAL/D lessons. Other highlights and classroom activities included a Visual Arts class where they worked on photography and portraiture; a visit to Quakers Hill High School (QHHS) for their weekly school sport; participating in Drama Club and taste-tested kangaroo in Tradewynds Cafe!

Our visitors also hosted a Yukata (Summer Kimono) workshop with our Textiles & Design students. 


After a fun-filled week, students joined QHHS for a farewell excursion to Lizard Log in Western Parklands. They thoroughly enjoyed bushwalking with their new friends and competing against each other in a scavenger hunt. Everyone returned to QHHS for a pizza party and presentation from the Japanese students; showcasing their calligraphy, karate and musical talents!


It was a whirlwind visit for Wyndham College students, our visiting Japanese students and their host families, but it was a terrific opportunity to learn about other cultures and languages, as well as make new friends and have some fun!


A HUGE thank you to all the teachers, students and families of Wyndham College, who were involved in making the event a success. If you are interested in hosting a Japanese student for a week next April, keep your eye out early 2024 for upcoming opportunities.


Japanese Student Visit-  Host Family Experience

The week we spent with Shinobu Hanaoka was truly one to remember. From the moment we picked him up from school on that sunny Sunday afternoon, we knew that we were in for an incredible experience. 


We took him to many places around Sydney, showing him the iconic sights like Taronga Zoo and the Harbour Bridge, and introducing him to our way of life in this wonderful city. But it wasn't just the places we visited that made this week so special. It was the moments we shared with Shinobu, the laughter we shared over dinner, the conversations we had about our different cultures, and the special gifts he brought from his hometown of Sanada in Japan that made this week unforgettable. 


We felt truly blessed to have this remarkable young man in our home, and we will cherish the memories of our time with him forever.


Written by Sujata A Kumar - host mother of Shinobu Hanaoka